Today I joined the darkside...



  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Ha ha! Yeah I figured I'd get a variety of opinions in reply. I actually expected them all to be negative so it's good to know that not everybody is bothered by it. I have heard people shouting back on their cell phones but I don't do that. I know you could say I might be too distracted to know, but I'm not a loud talker in day to day life, I'm pretty soft-spoken, especially towards the end of a workday, and this conversation was more business than personal so there weren't any juicy unappealing topics discussed.

    Also, my focus as of late has been on building muscle mass more than cardio, so I'll do about 15 minutes of light to moderate cardio to get the blood flowing but I have no intentions of wearing myself out before I start lifting. The higher intensity cardio routine for me is jogging on the treadmill and for that I couldn't hold a conversation even if I tried.

    I agree with the others on not minding if people talk on their cells as long as they actually are using the equipment they're on. I actually prefer seeing someone who would talk on the phone while using the bicycle/treadmill/elliptical they're on, rather than seeing a pair of friends conversing, cracking jokes, and such while sitting or standing there doing nothing but take up space. I see that kind of stuff happen way too much around the assisted pull up/dip machine.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Great attitude Whyflysouth, at least you were prepared for all of our comments.......and you can use your cell phone as long as you keep it down! :wink:
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Ha ha! Yeah I figured I'd get a variety of opinions in reply. I actually expected them all to be negative so it's good to know that not everybody is bothered by it. I have heard people shouting back on their cell phones but I don't do that. I know you could say I might be too distracted to know, but I'm not a loud talker in day to day life, I'm pretty soft-spoken, especially towards the end of a workday, and this conversation was more business than personal so there weren't any juicy unappealing topics discussed.

    Also, my focus as of late has been on building muscle mass more than cardio, so I'll do about 15 minutes of light to moderate cardio to get the blood flowing but I have no intentions of wearing myself out before I start lifting. The higher intensity cardio routine for me is jogging on the treadmill and for that I couldn't hold a conversation even if I tried.

    I agree with the others on not minding if people talk on their cells as long as they actually are using the equipment they're on. I actually prefer seeing someone who would talk on the phone while using the bicycle/treadmill/elliptical they're on, rather than seeing a pair of friends conversing, cracking jokes, and such while sitting or standing there doing nothing but take up space. I see that kind of stuff happen way too much around the assisted pull up/dip machine.

    Wow!! I need to take pointers on how to not let other people bother me so much. You do have a great attitude! You could have came out swinging (probably what I would have done.) Very impressive and maybe I should try that approach sometimes!:drinker: