My story and looking for friends.

Since I was a kid I have been fat, I've been on a weight gain and loss roller-coaster since I was 14. At age 14 I was 5'7'' and 215 lbs and things got worse from there. At age 16 I was 5'10'' and 283 lbs and at my highest weight at age 18 I was 6'0'' and 297 lbs.

It took 1 doctor visit to realize that I had to start making changes or I would be in for a very short-lived life and I didn't want that for myself or my family so I started to make changes.

So let my rambling story begin.

May 31st, 2012 I got my first job working at an Inventory Company. From my start date to my termination date of January 17th, 2013 I had lost 20 lbs just from the work I was doing at my job and nothing extra. At this point I'm 19 years old and at 277 lbs. I ended up gaining a few pounds from January to July when I got my new job at Wal-Mart being an Unloader. I was 19, 6'1'' and 283 lbs. I kept that job until just recently when they made cuts in my department and with me having little seniority I lost my job November 29th. At that job I managed to lose 23 lbs. It's now December 22nd and after a 9 day vacation to see my extended family I gained 3.4 lbs.

I'm 20 years old, 263.4 lbs and my BF is 34.8. I have set my current goals by my 21st birthday to be at 195 lbs and 12% BF.

I have 8 months and 7 days to complete this journey and I know it's going to be rough but I hope to find friends that can help motivate me and me motivate them.

(It would also be pretty cool to meet some people in my neck of the woods who want to hang-out)