Struggling with binge eating



  • tracywintn
    I used to struggle with this also-and still do to a lesser extent (now my binge day is 1800-2200 cals instead of 5,000 cals. What has helped me is to log every day-every food. I am almost 4 months into this (and I lose weight like a snail so I am only 17lbs down) and I have logged everyday (Weight watchers first, then Biggest Loser club and now on to the free MFP site:). Even when I had the urge to not log what I had just binged on I went and logged it anyway-that was my accountability. Then I started to really pay attention to how I felt before/during and after. I would be just sick after-really miserable and I would feel worse emotionally-because the binge didn't help what was bringing me down and now I felt like a total failure for going off my calorie count. It took me a few weeks in the beginning to binge/feel bad but now I can usually stop myself before too much damage has been done. For me, this is a change in lifestyle and I need to figure out how to do it long term. I gave up thinking I could be really "good" and lose a lot of weight fast. That just is not my reality, I lose weight slow and I struggle with food-so I am working on being happy with every loss each week-even if it's only 1/2 a lb. It really has made a world of difference to not get discouraged by the slow weight loss and realize a year from now or 2 years from now that 1 lb a week is going to really add up. I can say the last 2 weeks has been the hardest for me out of the past 4 months. I have been sick and there is chocolate everywhere. I am ready for the holidays to be OVER food wise!!! Good luck!