Ready, Able, and Willing

I'm back onto myfitnesspal but for good. I dabbled in it before just to get an idea of how many calories I was taking in. However, I want to really keep track with this because I believe if I commit enough time, I can achieve my goals.

A little about myself: I'm a 23 yr old, just graduated college so I have a little bit of time to devout to my fitness.

My goals:
Achieve the six pack
cut down to 190
have 5-10% body fat.
Develop massive leg strength that will hopefully lead to running quicker and for longer.
Stick to this no matter what

I also want to meet new people and help them achieve their goals as well. This will in turn, motivate me to finish what I'm starting. I believe that this is a great community because we are all fighting the same demons, ourselves.
