
does anyone know if lifting weights is required in order to loose weight and tighten up not have saggy looking skin


  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    lifting weights helps. but 90pct is your food intake
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    strength training programs like starting strength, strong lifts and new rules of lifting for women will help you retain your lean body mass while you lose weight as well as give you some good newbie gains. also from what i've read on the forums it will help avoid loose skin issues when you have lots of weight to lose.

    lifting weights isnt necessary for weight loss, just eating at a deficit can do that
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    It's not required for either of those things, actually. Losing weight will be a factor of your diet and your skin issues will primarily be genetics and patience. Resistance training will help you retain lean body mass and keep the majority of your weight loss restricted to fat stores instead of muscle
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Lifting weights does not help you lose weight but it is very important. Strength training helps you preserve muscle during weight loss so that a higher percentage of your weight lost is fat and not muscle.
  • norcalbabe916
    I was miss informed at the gym then this is why its always good to talk to more then 1 person i mainly do cardio i do weights here and there not as much as i could i just dont want to over do it thanks everyone for there comments really does help im new on this journey of getting healthy would anyone recommend a good routine to help the core thats my problem area
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I was miss informed at the gym then this is why its always good to talk to more then 1 person i mainly do cardio i do weights here and there not as much as i could i just dont want to over do it thanks everyone for there comments really does help im new on this journey of getting healthy would anyone recommend a good routine to help the core thats my problem area

    There is no routine that will target fat loss in one specific area. Strength training should be for the whole body. Just training one area can lead to imbalances and possible injuries.

    As the others have said. You have to eat less than you burn to lose weight. You can not control where you lose weight from. If you want the majority of the weight loss to be body fat you should do some form of heavy resistance training, get enough protein and eat at a deficit.

    Cardio is good for heart and lung health, endurance and burning extra calories.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i'm glad you do both. those that seem to think one or the other is all you need seem to be missing the point of fitness if you ask me.

    They both burn calories so they will both support weight loss, but niether will do anything for the loose skin. i'm affraid you basically get what you get there, surgery is the only thing that can really correct it if its bad
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I was miss informed at the gym then this is why its always good to talk to more then 1 person i mainly do cardio i do weights here and there not as much as i could i just dont want to over do it thanks everyone for there comments really does help im new on this journey of getting healthy would anyone recommend a good routine to help the core thats my problem area

    some trainers (if that's who you talked to) are actually kind of ignorant.

    last year between jan and aug i lost around 6 pant sizes and i did it by eating at a slight deficit and iifting heavy and minimal cardio. in feb i had a free session with a trainer who was horrible who gave me advice like i'd have to stop eating chocolate, the way to get to my goal was lots of steady state cardio (90-120 minutes a day), taking fat burners, eating 1200 calories a day, 6 meals a day, nothing after 6 pm, etc. i never made another appointment with him.

    months later i was in the weight room doing deadlifts (over my body weight) and he walked through with a client. he stopped and was like "oh hey look at you, you have really lost weight but you should avoid doing heavy weights because it's counterproductive to your goal and will make you bigger" i was like "oh yeah you're right, not following your advice and lifting heavy made me so huge i had to change my pants size from a tight size 22 to a lose 14. i better stop stop what i'm doing in case i balloon up to my goal size 6". :laugh: the look on his face was priceless.

    i certainly hope i ruined the client he was training because that guy sucked.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I was miss informed at the gym then this is why its always good to talk to more then 1 person i mainly do cardio i do weights here and there not as much as i could i just dont want to over do it thanks everyone for there comments really does help im new on this journey of getting healthy would anyone recommend a good routine to help the core thats my problem area

    they told you to do the correct thing, just fudged on the reasons a little bit. sort of like when i tell my daughter to go to sleep because if she doesn't, Santa won't show up.

    do the full body lifting routine. do it on the regular, not 'here and there'. some of your goals seem to revolve around looking better, and the lifting routine will go a long way to helping you like what you see when you reach goal
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Literally loose skin cannot be "tightened", it has to be removed. Otherwise if you're just talking about areas where you still have fat, it's just dieting to a lower overall bodyfat% that is going to get the job done.

    You don't have to do any exercise to achieve that, for that matter. Lift heavy if you want strength and larger muscles.

    EXCELLENT resource to get you up to speed on these kinds of things, New Rules of Lifting for Women. Seriously, it's worth the few bucks to buy it, and it's an easy read that answers all kinds of questions like this, whether or not you decide to lift.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I lost a significant amount of weight/"pants sizes" by just doing cardio and diet changes; BUT, it happened slowly over a long period of time. By adding weights, I have gotten "smaller" in a shorter amount of time, and changed the way my body looks in a shorter amount of time. I still do cardio; typically, 3-4 days of cardio and 2 days of weights + a little cardio. I think the key with the weight is consistency. It seems like, for me, I haven't had to do a whole lot of strength training (typically, 30-40 mins twice a week), I just need to use pretty "heavy" weights to see results.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    Muscle raises body metabolism which leads to more calories burned (even when you're sitting at the desk).
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I was miss informed at the gym then this is why its always good to talk to more then 1 person i mainly do cardio i do weights here and there not as much as i could i just dont want to over do it thanks everyone for there comments really does help im new on this journey of getting healthy would anyone recommend a good routine to help the core thats my problem area

    some trainers (if that's who you talked to) are actually kind of ignorant.

    last year between jan and aug i lost around 6 pant sizes and i did it by eating at a slight deficit and iifting heavy and minimal cardio. in feb i had a free session with a trainer who was horrible who gave me advice like i'd have to stop eating chocolate, the way to get to my goal was lots of steady state cardio (90-120 minutes a day), taking fat burners, eating 1200 calories a day, 6 meals a day, nothing after 6 pm, etc. i never made another appointment with him.

    months later i was in the weight room doing deadlifts (over my body weight) and he walked through with a client. he stopped and was like "oh hey look at you, you have really lost weight but you should avoid doing heavy weights because it's counterproductive to your goal and will make you bigger" i was like "oh yeah you're right, not following your advice and lifting heavy made me so huge i had to change my pants size from a tight size 22 to a lose 14. i better stop stop what i'm doing in case i balloon up to my goal size 6". :laugh: the look on his face was priceless.

    i certainly hope i ruined the client he was training because that guy sucked.

    LOL! Love this!

    You rock!
  • norcalbabe916
    Sreneesa wow thats crazy what a *kitten* to be like that some people reminds me of my situation when i started going to the gym 2 months ago i had a free session with this one guy biggest irregent *kitten* he tells me for your goals you need to pay a lot to get where you need to be because my goal is to going to military and he said you need a big amount of weight kept pressuring me to pay big money to get me in shape so i said ill do the free session he blew me off stuck me with some kid trainer that didn't give me much of a workout so went to a different gym had another *kitten* trainer try push me around and he blew me gave me a 20 year old train me said he dident wanna train me im not a paying customer i was like wtf some people ive lost 70 pounds since febuary of this year working on my eating habbits and working out some people are not meant to work with customers im sorry you had such a bad experince as well i wish i could seen his face i bet it was so funny lol
  • chatty826
    I wish every single woman on the planet would lift weights at least 3x a week. Then we'd have one planet of strong badass women regardless of their size. I will tell you what lifting weights has done for me and I recc starting strength though I do CF and seriously love it.

    1. Helped me loose 165lbs 60 was slow with cardio 100 was fast with lifting and just regular walking/hiking on days off
    2. Taught me that the battle is in the mind my body has the power if my mind wills it
    3. Got me through depression and insomnia
    4. Gave me the endurance to run multiple obstacle course runs
    5. Made me absolutely love my body. Forget how I look or how much I weight I can bp more than many guys and DL an amazing amount of weight.

    Go find a barbell or dumbell and get to lifting sister :)
  • norcalbabe916
    @ chatty826 Congratulations on all your accomplishments thats amazing to loose any weight but u seriously done a lot Thank you for the advice ill defiantly start tomorrow on that the gym and every store is closed today :( ive lost 70 exactly myself in almost a year about 10 and half months i still want to loose another 70 i just want to feel good about myself i do feel alot better then i use to but want to feel fantastic :)
  • llamahands
    llamahands Posts: 9 Member
    I have only lost 17lbs so far lifting weights, it has been about 8wks. I have been doing better with my diet but my workout and eating habits need an overhaul. There is some kind of high that boosts self esteem and energy. Also, watching your collar bone appear, muscles creep out of fat, and your shape change is amazingly quick. My boobs also lifted after shoulder press, huge bonus for mom of 3!! I am slowly beginning to enjoy cardio but weight lifting is fun.