Decisions, decisions........ need advice

I'm kinda new to the whole home workout out thing and was wondering which to do first. Jillian Michaels Body Revolution or P90X3?


  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I've been rocking the Body Revolution. I really like it! Took a two week break to strengthen my core using Les Mills Combat, but back to BR next week!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    1) What is/are your goal(s)?
    2) Do you own both programs, or are you trying to figure out which one to buy?
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    If you own both cycle through them. I have several yoga DVDs. I'll follow one for several weeks then switch up. Do one fully then switch to the other May be a refreshing change.
  • Health_Temple
    Which has more high impact exercises? I have the original p90x and its great for shredding, but your stationary doing many high impact things that can end up hurting you especially if you plan on continuing for a long period of time or if you were originally sedentary without much running or other impact cardio.
  • jimd86
    1) What is/are your goal(s)?
    2) Do you own both programs, or are you trying to figure out which one to buy?

    I have X3 and was gonna get Body revolution. My goal is to lose fat and get some bulk
  • jimd86
    I haven't really worked out much since leaving the army
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    1) What is/are your goal(s)?
    2) Do you own both programs, or are you trying to figure out which one to buy?

    I have X3 and was gonna get Body revolution. My goal is to lose fat and get some bulk

    Well, since you have X3, I'd say try that one.

    As far as losing fat and gaining muscle (get some bulk) goes, those are conflicting goals. As such, don't try to do both at the same time. Do the P90X3, since you have it. Eat at a Caloric deficit while doing the program, and you should maintain most of your lean mass while you lose the fat. Once you get a lower BF%, then you can start looking to bulk.
  • Jamileigh221
    Whenever I restart a new workout after gaining weight, I always do Chalean Extreme first.... simply because muscle burns fat! and I really want to focus on gaining good muscle that will help tone my body and reduce as much fat as possible before I do an intense workout, like P90x. That way, this will help spark your metabolism into full drive so you can get the best results out of P90x! Obviously there are many different programs that focus on just lifting weights, push ups, and a good clean diet, you don't have to do Chalean Extreme, but maybe find a lifting program for a month that is similar

    Best of luck!
  • Jamileigh221
    Whoops, I forgot to add... I am seeing a lot of posts about Yoga and p90x... I believe these are two extremes! Yoga would be too delegate for you to see the quicker results you probably want, and p90x is probably going to push your body and muscles into overdrive too soon... but hey, if you really have the desire and will power and are mentally strong enough to push through p90x then give it a try!!! :) I still suggest doing a starting work out for about a month or two that is strictly lifting weights. You will cut inches off and lose a lot of weight too! because muscle burns fat! so build up your muscles first ;) Also, I also used to incorporate the first edition of p90x (just the ab ripper) into my workout routine (I would do just the ab video which is about 20 minutes long every few days),