what should be my ideal weight??

Hi guys I was wondering what shud b my ideal weight??

My index finger and thumb doesn't cover my wrist at all...

Plus I want to have at least 9-11% body fat wen m totally done..... So what should b my ideal weight according to that??

My height is 178cm :3


  • Inches and feet would be nice...but I figured it out. At 5'10 you ideal weight could be any number of weights to arrive at your desired body fat %...some people wold prefer to be as light and lean s possible while others as big and lean as possible. That's individual to the person so no one can tell you that...also we don't have your starting weight and body fat percent so it's impossible to even ball park where YOUR ideal might be.
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    My initial weight was 116.5kg and bf was 30 or so....

    And I was lean and tight body
  • Your ideal body weight based on those starting stats would be ~197 or so assuming you were to lift weights to maintain your LBM as best you can while losing body fat.