working out with High blood pressure?

hi everyone sorry for all the questions today I just am full of them haha. ok I want to ask this cause I get worried. I have high blood pressure and my pressure was 130/85 when I went to the doc so she told me its not high enough for medicine so lose some weight. but when I take my pressure and when I went to the hospital it is always high it will go from 140/90 up to 160/98 and I know I need to workout but am afraid to in fear of a stroke. I get dizzy too sometimes when i do workout and its nothing crazy its dancing or walking on a treadmil or elipical in a gym. what should I do?


  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Well I have high blood pressure or had (not sure since I lost so much weight) so I can see how my endurance and health has improved through the weight lost. My suggestion is to concentrate on food #1 with honest choices and use the fact you want to be healthy as a secure motivation. I would lower my fat and salt in take, you have to cook and stop going out to ensure you have this in control. I also would take my multi-vitamins and balance my proteins and carbs into my diet.

    As for working out I would stick to long walks and as you feel more comfortable pick up the pace. I prefer outdoors so I will not get distracted and overdo it on the treadmill.

    After you have lost at least 20 to 30 more lbs I would then probably add the elliptical or stationary bike to increase my cardio and by that time (as long as you are adequately hygrated with go ole H20) you dizziness should be either gone or minimal. The main emphasize here is working into it slowly to prevent severe problems which will either hinder or end your attempts to meeting a healthy fitness life style.

  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    I'm a hospital pharmacist and we do not treat blood pressure unless the top number (systolic) is consistently over 160 at rest or the bottom number (diastolic) is over 100. Yours is going up when you exercise which is normal. Stop if you feel dizzy, otherwise just keep at it. It will not cause a stroke. In order to have a heart attack or stroke, there must be an obstruction in the blood vessel. Usually these are plaque which builds up over years from cholesterol. I don't think you need to worry, unless you have had high cholesterol for years, or are a female post-menopause.