Gaining 1 lb Per Week

Often, people that come here are in such a hurry. They think losing 1 lb a week is so slow. They set for 2 lbs per week, because that's the maximum allowed on this site.

Let me turn this around for you.

Imagine that you gain 1 lb a week. Would that seem slow to you?

Relax. It's a life long pursuit. And, when you get to your goal, it doesn't end or stop. You have to keep working at it every single damn day for the rest of your life. Yes, it's hard even for those that hit their goal because they have to keep hitting their goal week after week after week.

1 lb a week is not slow. It's progress.


  • Good post mate.
  • jrapkine
    jrapkine Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! Way to put it in perspective!
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    That's actually really good way to think about it. I know I'd think that was way too fast!

    It's a societal problem. We've been taught to want things instantly, but the best things in life take time.