no motivation for working out



  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Do you wait for motivation to brush your teeth or take a shower? How about going to work? No? Probably should put your health on the same priority level.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    Do you wait for motivation to brush your teeth or take a shower? How about going to work? No? Probably should put your health on the same priority level.

  • Pixt
    Pixt Posts: 95 Member
    My biggest "self trick" ... tell myself to just start and do 10 minutes, then if I want to stop I can. Because, usually I would rather workout 10 minutes than admit to myself that I'm too f&*##g lazy to work out for TEN MINUTES.

    Once I have my workout clothes on and am 10 minutes into it, I'm warmed up and 99% of the time just push through and finish ... because, well, I'm already dressed and warmed up, might as well finish.

    *edit* because I know the difference between then and than but apparently typing the correct one eludes me
  • Glossysweets
    My motivation for me is being able to fit comfortably and feel great in my clothes (no post-baby muffin top, etc). I find that taking a deep interest in logging my food daily and definitely logging my exercise. I got myself a food scale to be more accountable and a scale at home as well. I rarely weigh myself. Measuring is a positive way to go as well.

    What I really find helps me is that I have a variety of things to do at my finger tips. I know myself well and allow myself the freedom to have these choices so that I will be more willing to work out. I gave myself a recent challenge to try and finish a workout routine (Focus: T25) so I have a program to adhere to everyday and it makes me feel more accomplished.

    The best thing you can do is find activities that you really enjoy doing. If you don't like running - don't fool yourself because you won't do it. If it's too cold outside for you then be honest with yourself and do indoor activities.

    I am strapped for time so I like workout videos or games on my Xbox 360 or Wii U. I can give you some suggestions if you would like on things I find fun.

    Zumba (Xbox 360 or Wii U) - videos are fun too but I prefer games more - classes are great if you can get to them.
    Focus T25 is great - only 25 minute workouts and you see results pretty quick if you also watch your diet.
    Rockin' Body is another great one (dancing)
    Insanity if you have the time (45min-1hr long workouts)

    Anyways there are many many out there, hope it helps a bit for you. Feel free to add me as a friend too - I can give you encouragement if you like - I workout daily (and have just started back a few weeks ago) so if you need a daily workout buddy to be accountable to I can help you.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    My motivation...

    Remembering how it felt to not be able to climb the small hill without having to stop and rest. My joints hurting as I climbed a flight of steps...sometimes struggling to get out of a car. I still have a ways to go...but I am so much further along from where I started.

    The end result is my motivation...despite how on some days my body
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    1. I make it easy on myself. My main exercise is on a mini-bike at home. The bike sits beside my desk; everything (music, towel, water) is within arm's reach. I work out about the same time, so a little mental alarm bell goes off. On days when I'm flagging, I just tell myself to do what I can, even if it's only a few minutes. Then I find that my body kicks in and goes the full session.

    2. I've recently returned to running, so it hasn't become the habit yet that my mini-bike has. I have to push myself a bit more, which means doing some advance prep, like checking the weather and planning my course around the neighborhood. I've also registered for a 5K, so I know I have to build my endurance back up to that level. I also remember the satisfaction I felt after having run a race from way back when.

    The results I see help keep me going. I have more energy. I feel healthier. I look better. My endorphins kick in and I feel satisfied for a job well done. That memory of satisfaction helps push me when I have a hard time getting started. Once I'm moving, I'm good.

    Accountability also helps. For example, I belong to this thread:
  • steffer20
    steffer20 Posts: 65 Member
    You need to find inner motivation. No one needs motivation, you either decide to do it or you don't. That's how the mind works.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Do you wait for motivation to brush your teeth or take a shower? How about going to work? No? Probably should put your health on the same priority level.

    Some people do need motivation to brush their teeth. It's pretty gross.