Polycystic Ovary Syndrome what you can and can't eat

What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?


Instead Of

Sweetened juice, canned fruit in heavy syrup, or sweetened applesauce

You can have

Fresh fruits or frozen/canned fruit without added sugar, or unsweetened applesauce

Instead of

Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, corn, and peas

You can have

Non–starchy fresh vegetables or frozen/canned vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and carrots

Instead of

Refined grains made with white flour such as white bread, pasta, bagels, and white rice

You can have

Whole grains such as whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and whole wheat bread

Instead of

Sugared cereals such as Lucky Charms®, Fruit Loops®, or Frosted Flakes®, and other sweetened grains such as cereal bars (Nutrigrain Bars®), breakfast pastries (PopTarts®), and donuts

You can have

High fiber cereals such as Kashi®, shredded wheat, and All Bran®. (Try to have a cereal that has at least 5 grams of fiber per serving or sprinkle ½ a cup of bran cereal or unprocessed bran on a low–fiber cereal to increase the fiber)

Instead of

Sugary drinks such as soda or juice

You can have

Sugar–free or low sugar drinks such
as water, diet soda, Crystal Light®,
Fruit20®, Powerade Zero®, Vitamin
Water 10®, and seltzer water

Instead of

Sugary foods such as cookies, cakes, and candy

You can have

Sugar–free, light, or “no sugar added” foods such as Jello®, popsicles, yogurt, or pudding

I personally have PCOS with Insulin Resistance so sugary and high carb foods are no good for me.


  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I have a list of foods that a PCOS specialist gave me - I think it's similar to yours, but there are a few more no nos on the list that weren't mentioned here. I don't follow it per se :blushing: because I find it too strict, but I really should. I too have IR due to PCOS :explode:
  • aaliyahbellydancer
    I am fine swapping starchy veg for broccoli, spinach and carrots ... love my vegies
    and like brown rice and whole wheat bread, cereals are fine with me too

    but i dont like the taste of drinks with sugar replacements or no sugar ... unless its pure fruit juice with no added sugar.
    and i cant eat lollies or sweets with low sugar/sugar replacements yuckkk

    So i struggle mostly with sugary drinks (coke)

    I eat lots of lean mostly white meat... chicken or fish, mostly chicken.... and occassionally i NEED red meat, ha ha ... but it is always lean. I like doing stir frys with my veggies and love salads in all weather.

    Its naughty snacks; chips/crisps, chocolate/lollies/sweets and coca cola ... my down falls ... arrrrrr

    I am hoping to go back onto medication when i get around to going to the docs which will help curb those mad cravings
  • aaliyahbellydancer
    Hi Pam, ooh can you please share the other no no's with me
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Carrots are actually one of the things that was a no no on my list (basically is said anything grown underground is a no no because of their starch/sugar. Carrots are fairly high in sugars for a veggie (but they are one of my favs for snacking because of that I guess) Darn me and my sweet tooth.

    As for the Coke bit, I had the same problem as soon as last year. I used to go through a 2L bottle every night on my own of regular coke. I made it my lenten resolution and every time I felt like having a pop, I had 3 glasses of water (I have a 24 oz sports bottle). I stopped bringing them into the house. Now - I could take it or leave it. I don't crave it any more - it's truly an addiction. With the amount that I was drinking, it has not only put on pounds to my frame (they say giving it up is at least 5 pounds in a year, depending on how much) but also the acid in the carbonated beverages has eroded my teeth and my dentist now gets paid a lot of money to fix me up yearly...I always have to go in and there is always something that needs to be drilled (no matter how well I brush).

    All of this being said however, I sit here this morning with a bottle of Coke Zero on my desk. I actually have a sensitivity to aspartame, so I can't drink it often but my husband came home with two 591ml bottles last night and so I had half last night and then half this morning instead of my coffee (bad girl!) Six months ago, I never would have only drank half this bottle last night over the course of 4 hours....never. And I now chase it with 3 glasses of water to remove any residue from my mouth to try and preserve my teeth :(

    It's about making small changes that you can live with long term and knowing that you can moderate yourself on those things that at one point ruled your life :)

    I'm on Metformin because we're TTC, but the pill worked wonders for me with my PCOS. I dropped 35lbs in 3 months without trying because of the hormonal imbalances.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Carrots are actually one of the things that was a no no on my list (basically is said anything grown underground is a no no because of their starch/sugar. Carrots are fairly high in sugars for a veggie (but they are one of my favs for snacking because of that I guess) Darn me and my sweet tooth.

    As for the Coke bit, I had the same problem as soon as last year. I used to go through a 2L bottle every night on my own of regular coke. I made it my lenten resolution and every time I felt like having a pop, I had 3 glasses of water (I have a 24 oz sports bottle). I stopped bringing them into the house. Now - I could take it or leave it. I don't crave it any more - it's truly an addiction. With the amount that I was drinking, it has not only put on pounds to my frame (they say giving it up is at least 5 pounds in a year, depending on how much) but also the acid in the carbonated beverages has eroded my teeth and my dentist now gets paid a lot of money to fix me up yearly...I always have to go in and there is always something that needs to be drilled (no matter how well I brush).

    All of this being said however, I sit here this morning with a bottle of Coke Zero on my desk. I actually have a sensitivity to aspartame, so I can't drink it often but my husband came home with two 591ml bottles last night and so I had half last night and then half this morning instead of my coffee (bad girl!) Six months ago, I never would have only drank half this bottle last night over the course of 4 hours....never. And I now chase it with 3 glasses of water to remove any residue from my mouth to try and preserve my teeth :(

    It's about making small changes that you can live with long term and knowing that you can moderate yourself on those things that at one point ruled your life :)

    I'm on Metformin because we're TTC, but the pill worked wonders for me with my PCOS. I dropped 35lbs in 3 months without trying because of the hormonal imbalances.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Good list! I'm suspected of having PCOS, but my levels aren't high enough. I am almost definitely IR though.
    This sounds just like what I do. However, I don't really look much at what's grown underground vs. up top. I just make sure I'm not eating much sugar and keep everything low on the GI.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Sorry to take to so long with this - just remembered. These are low GI, calorie conscious foods, so you'll probably have to eat a lot of them to your calorie goals - since you aren't under doctor's guidance, I won't post the amounts you're allowed to have. The program is VERY successful, if you can deal with the strictness of it. It is meant for people with PCOS & Diabetes, so it's a good one, I find. These are the no-no foods:

    - Milk & Milk Products (cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt except table cream in your coffee) Get your calcium from green leafy sources instead

    - Food that is breaded or deep fried (bad fat!)

    - Sugar (sugar substitute is allowed)

    - Anything made from flour/starch

    - Fruit (lemon/lime is allowed in cooking or water)

    - Juices (it's just water and sugar without fibre - it's worse than fruit)

    - Alcohol (all kinds - beer is worst)

    - Avoid corn, snow peas, peas, tomato, whole artichoke, brussel sprouts, squash, red & yellow peppers, melons and dry beans (and their products)

    Again, I don't follow it strictly (hence the reason I don't do it anymore) and allow myself one fruit a day. I do have one dairy too (usually yogurt). BUT I do have them first thing in the morning - yogurt with breakfast or first morning snack, and fruit as first morning snack if I don't have the yogurt. It certainly isn't for everyone, but I know a lot of people that have taken the weight off (150lbs and more) and have easily kept it off for more than 5 years.

    My typical menu when I was on it:
    Breakfast = Egg White Omelet with Spinach and Mushrooms (little bit of cream and mustard - weird, but makes them froth up a little more and gives them a slightly yellow tint), Water with Lemon
    Morning Snack = 2 cups Low Sodium Chicken Broth with Chicken Chunks & Bean Sprouts (allowed, but not sure why), spritzed with lemon
    Lunch = Tuna on bib lettuce with celery & cucumber. Light Italian Dressing (at least 3 cups full, not the dressing - the overall salad), Diet Soda
    Afternoon Snack = 2 cups Broccoli & Cauliflower
    Dinner = Steak with Lime Steamed Bok Choy (Steam the bok choy and spritz with lime) & Sauteed Garlic Mushrooms, Tea
    Dessert = 1 cup Sugar Free Jello

    I'd also use sugar free gum whenever I had the munchies at the beginning. I only was able to stay on it strict for about 3 weeks but have been able to modify it for my own purposes since then. And one thing I can tell you is if you stop the junky food for at least 28 days, the cravings will stop. The cravings do have to do with the hormonal balance - since food affects the hormonal balance (I've heard that the sugar affects the way that the hormone receptors do their job - so by decreasing the sugar that you intake, you clear the way for the hormone receptors to function normally). Once the hormones are back in place, the cravings stop. I still have occasional cravings, but don't binge on things the way I used to - and that's salty and sweet although, I have been indulging too much lately.

    Time for me to get back to the 28 day clean eating challenge. A few things have changed since I did the program. I no longer drink soda, I don't like artificial sweetners and try to use Stevia when I can (I'm not baking, so not too big a deal). I am no longer allergic to shellfish so help me out....I'm going to have to start eating the below the sea creatures. I'm eating a lot more whole foods and much less processed junk.