Just bought The New Rules of Lifting for Women...



  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I have the book and have read it from cover to cover. The writing is simple and direct. The pictures are very clear so you just can't go wrong. You can also check out the author's website (and his wife's) for more info on form, progress, etc.

    The section on food is excellent. Be prepared to eat a lot of food. He does not support a low calorie diet, or even a 1200 calorie diet because it will not give you the energy you need to follow the program and see results.

    I have not started it (as yet) as I bought a 6-month membership to a small gym with workouts that the trainer makes for us in a small group setting. I do a lot of the exercises described in the book so it's good preparation for when this membership ends and I am on my own.

    SLLRunner: I look forward to exchanging views with you when you get the book!

    I think weight lifting absolutely rocks. I love it and I wish I had discovered it years ago.