The rollercoaster of 2013

In 2012 I graduated college and in that year took myself from a 200lbs range down to a happy 185lbs (with my goal being about 175lbs), I did not have a car so I walked everywhere (hilly Appalachian based school) and rode my bike for recreation. I cooked most of my meals myself and worked out at the university's gym on average 3 times a week (membership was free). Since then I had moved back home for several months and was able to maintain my weight but I was no longer walking, riding, lifting as I was before. In early 2013 I was diagnosed with skin cancer and after surgery I was at a complete loss for motivation so that didnt help none (im clear now btw).

Then in May of 2013 I accepted a new job, moved once again and found myself working on "the road" for the duration of June - October in that time I ballooned up to now what is around 207-210lbs. Most of my meals were catered and what wasnt catered were either fast food or interstate restaurants like Cracker Barrel, Bob Evans, etc. in other words a lot of portions, options, and large servings everyday (self control isnt a strong suit with me). This combined with the long drives and then when at the job site being not physically active for most of the day led to the gain of weight, fat, and loss of motivation, after all after driving half a day you don't feel like working out and the same goes after working on the road at an event that has you there from as early as 7AM till maybe 11pm-midnight.

I am looking to once again return to the 185lbs I was at in mid-2012 and then after that set the goal to reattempt my 175lbs goal. But I see once again my biggest struggle come June when I am working on the road again will be keeping track of what I eat since as you can read above are not healthy options (I just can't do salads every lunch for 7 days in a row, but I do eat them at least 2-3 times a week). I love the barcode scanner on myfitnesspal but with more of my meals not being able to use it, I lack the motivation to sit and search for what I am eating and it then makes me less accountable and I stop using the app from time to time.

Yesterday I purchased a BodyMedia Fit and hope to have it by January and use that in combination with myfitnesspal to make me more accountable in getting back to being active, eating better, and getting the proper sleep. The new city in-which I live isn't exactly the most active city and my co-workers are not health minded either so im not inspired by my surroundings like I was in college. (Lots of young people running, working out, eating healthy, and good looking people around to inspire one to loose the gut).

So long story short I lack motivation, but saw great results once before when I went down 20 pounds, I felt more confident, and was just happier in general but now with a very different atmosphere around me the challenge is large but I aim to make a difference in my life once again.


  • LVCeltGirl
    You can do it!!! And a little work early in the year will result in the foods being in your list while on the road. I'm a creature of habit so I like certain things and gravitate toward them. Also in your difficult months, try switching how you eat, ie big meal for breakfast or lunch and little for dinner. Get yourself used to the veggies now because that's the big problem with places like Cracker Barrel, you get choices between high fat, high calorie (think french fries) and a lower fat version (think baked potato with items on the side for control of portion of the butter, etc.). If you start preferring the steamed veggies to the fried apples (as an example) then you'll choose the steamed veggies as your side. It's all about choices making yourself aware of getting caught up in a cycle. You can't break a cycle if you're not aware of it. You can lose weight without exercise. It's difficult but it can be done. You can maintain without exercise. Again it's difficult. You can also do both without self-control as I'm proof of. I still have my sweets, and I still have larger portions than I should but I log everything to keep track of it, see my cycles so I can address and adjust them.