Grocery List Generator

I searched the forum but was not able to find what I was looking for but I'm sure it exists out there.

I am looking to find a grocery list generator that works with stores (for me Kroger). But what I want it to be able to do (or as close as possible) is allow me to place items in categories (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks, etc) and also display the nutritional facts in them. So let's say I go by my MFP goal of staying at or below 1980 calories, I would like as I add each item into the list it generates the calories and other facts and displays them for me so I can see my options and break them apart by days.

So lets say on Sunday I go to Kroger and I want to buy my food for making meals the next week M-Su. I want to be able to add items for each day and get the counts for each meal each day based off of the servings. Then I can print the list and just go on in and know exactly what I want to buy (brand, variety, size etc.) and then I can plan meals easier.

-B Quaker Oatmeal = ###
-B Strawberries = ###
-B Maxwell House Dark Roast Coffee = ###
-B Minute Made Orange Juice = ###
Monday Breakfast Total = ###

then have each meal broken down the same and each day. I would know based off of the list what amounts I am consuming per day, per week, etc and can easily go in the store and pickup the items instead of painstakingly researching all these items and I can generate varied meals that are healthy so I dont get tired of eating lets say a salad for lunch for 7 days or chicken for 3 days and fish for 4 days, etc. I can plan and build ahead and have better options but based off of the store I select, in my case Kroger.

Does a FREE app or web service as I have described exist or anything similar? Again a free service if possible, but for other peoples benefits who may read this later if you know of a subscription service please list it.