Same exercise while figuring out maintenance cal?



  • Wingg_
    Wingg_ Posts: 395 Member
    You weigh about 95 pounds and you are very short, only 5 feet tall.
    Maintenance is difficult and you are correct to be worried about gaining too much too quickly, also at your height...even 10 more pounds would be quite noticable if it all goes to your belly.

    I'd be careful here taking advice from people who don't really understand the problems of very short women.

    You may do better asking people is a sub-group:

    Thank you for providing with the link! I will definitely join the group to seek advice!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Brilliant! Good luck OP. :drinker:
  • Wingg_
    Wingg_ Posts: 395 Member
    Brilliant! Good luck OP. :drinker:

  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    My dear 42kg is very thin, I wouldn't worry about the 1kg gain at all.

    Do we know her height? I must have missed it.

    I'm short... 158cm only...

    You're 5'2" and only 92 lbs. Ouch, that is underweight.

    I am 5 cm shorter than you. I weigh 16 kg more than you do. I am by no means fat. In fact, my body fat % 5 months ago was measured at 26%, it's probably closer to 24% now. Don't worry about not gaining weight. Worry about fueling your workouts to build your strength and stamina, and if you gain even 10 kg you'll still be in a great healthy range.

    I would suggest weighing yourself weekly or less, since you are so concerned about changes in the scale, so that you don't see so much of those short term fluctuations (it's not uncommon to gain 2 kg over a day, and then lose it by morning … just by water and food in your system, etc). And give yourself a good month before you decide if you're eating at maintenance or not, it may take that long for things to even out enough to get a pretty good average.
  • Wingg_
    Wingg_ Posts: 395 Member
    My dear 42kg is very thin, I wouldn't worry about the 1kg gain at all.

    Do we know her height? I must have missed it.

    I'm short... 158cm only...

    You're 5'2" and only 92 lbs. Ouch, that is underweight.

    I am 5 cm shorter than you. I weigh 16 kg more than you do. I am by no means fat. In fact, my body fat % 5 months ago was measured at 26%, it's probably closer to 24% now. Don't worry about not gaining weight. Worry about fueling your workouts to build your strength and stamina, and if you gain even 10 kg you'll still be in a great healthy range.

    I would suggest weighing yourself weekly or less, since you are so concerned about changes in the scale, so that you don't see so much of those short term fluctuations (it's not uncommon to gain 2 kg over a day, and then lose it by morning … just by water and food in your system, etc). And give yourself a good month before you decide if you're eating at maintenance or not, it may take that long for things to even out enough to get a pretty good average.

    I'm working out and I have hard thigh muscles, trying to do more strength training now~ I do know that my weight fluctuate throughout the day because I can weigh up to 4kg more in the evening compared to the morning, but I weigh myself in the morning and gained a kg that's why I am confused…
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Not gonna diet my away, but upon seeing the number of people getting obese increasing rapidly makes me want to control myself (even though I have occasional binge)..

    Save a link of this post in a blog or something so you can find it again.

    Revisit it in 6 and 12 months.

    Perhaps it's merely your choice of words matching plenty of others that have said the same thing, but they are at the point of realization as to what they have done.

    You come back in a year and see if I wasn't right. I hope I'm not.

    But I've had at least 6 others come back in 9 and 12 months, looking me up, to tell me I was right.

    You should really read the figures of those increasing rapidly - they usually are taller, and greatly suppressed their metabolism grossing 1200, netting much less. And they jumped up 500 or more calories daily.
    You are not in that group, because you are shorter, and you are hardly increasing your calories in the scheme of things, even for short height.

    And your only valid weigh-in day to cut out totally expected water fluctuations:
    Morning after rest day eating normal sodium levels, not sore from last workout.

    You can't weigh the day after lifting and expect any meaningful stat from that. Your body retains water in the muscle to aid in healing - if you did a good workout anyway.
  • Wingg_
    Wingg_ Posts: 395 Member
    My dear 42kg is very thin, I wouldn't worry about the 1kg gain at all.

    Do we know her height? I must have missed it.

    I'm short... 158cm only...

    You're 5'2" and only 92 lbs. Ouch, that is underweight.

    I am 5 cm shorter than you. I weigh 16 kg more than you do. I am by no means fat. In fact, my body fat % 5 months ago was measured at 26%, it's probably closer to 24% now. Don't worry about not gaining weight. Worry about fueling your workouts to build your strength and stamina, and if you gain even 10 kg you'll still be in a great healthy range.

    I would suggest weighing yourself weekly or less, since you are so concerned about changes in the scale, so that you don't see so much of those short term fluctuations (it's not uncommon to gain 2 kg over a day, and then lose it by morning … just by water and food in your system, etc). And give yourself a good month before you decide if you're eating at maintenance or not, it may take that long for things to even out enough to get a pretty good average.

    I'm working out and I have hard thigh muscles, trying to do more strength training now~ I do know that my weight fluctuate throughout the day because I can weigh up to 4kg more in the evening compared to the morning, but I weigh myself in the morning and gained a kg that's why I am confused… but I guess I should be more patient and maintain eating at that. Cal for a longer period of time and see how things go.