How to tell if you're to skinny?



  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    other people definitely get used to seeing you a certain way. if you eat healthy, eat enough, feel good, and like your body and can maintain it while being happy and having other good things going on in your life, then I'd guess that you're just fine.

    I don't know your height, but I weigh around 120 and I'm 5'6" and I don't feel too skinny at all. I don't really care what anyone else thinks about it because my opinion is the only one that matters (when it comes to aesthetics only, of course).
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Congrats on your success!!! 135 and even 120 at 5'4" is not in any way too skinny. Americans are accustomed to looking at their overweight selves so perception is skewed.

    At this point, like others suggested, I would concentrate more on body fat percentage. I'm sure you look great at either weight!

    I agree with you. I'm European and a European healthy weight is very different from an American healthy weight. I'm 5'2" and 144 lbs. Here, my friends tell me I look so thin but back home, I'm still terribly overweight!

    We're just used to seeing bigger bodies in the U.S.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    BMI can be a little weird for individuals, remember. Would I be healthy at the lowest end of the range for my height? Well, that's 3 lbs above my lean mass, so that BF% would not be healthy, no! Of course, you can lose lean mass (the muscle part), too, but who would want to?

    I think the BMI being the 'healthy range' is more of a range to attempt to cover frame sizes in the population and not a fully healthy range for each person! And we all know that more muscular people are going to weigh more without needing to lose weight. Is it healthy to lose some muscle? Meh, to an extent it can be, I guess, but I'd think more muscle is definitely healthier.

    Yeah, this is true, the entire range is not meant for one individual. A very small framed person would likely be overweight at the highest end of the range. The larger framed person would be dangerously thin at the low end of the range. Putting on muscle is always an option, but there is a limit to how much a person can put on within a certain time frame and also depends on the amount of effort they want to put in. With very hard work a person may be able to work towards 10 pounds of muscle, over time. But, it's not likely for a person to put on 30 pounds of muscle.

    Also whenever you lose fat, you will always lose a small amount of muscle, just like you gain some fat when gaining muscle.
  • ajcmoran2005
    ajcmoran2005 Posts: 173 Member
    Honestly I really think a lot of it is based on your body type. I am a little under 5'5" and as of my weigh in this morning I was a little under 121 pounds. I have a very small frame so when I was 135 pounds I did look like I needed to lose more weight but that was just because of my small frame. I would like to get to my wedding day weight of 116 pounds but after having three kiddos I just don't think that will happen :). I really wouldn't listen to what anyone else says. If you feel good about yourself then that is all that matters! Congratulations on your wonderful weight loss!!!
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    I think you are right in that people are used to seeing you a certain way.

    When I went to my parents' house this week for Christmas, my sister and my mom told me I look "creepy" and "gross" because I look too thin now. I told my mom that I am around my HS size/weight and she did not believe me---even though it's true. I just haven't been around this weight in 10-11 years! My BMI is about 20.5, which is in the normal range, though I don't have a small frame so I'm sure my leanness looks exaggerated.

    I don't feel too skinny and I'm not even close to being underweight so I think we're all good here.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    You don't look too skinny now, but you do look thin, so I think you look great right now, it's hard to say how you would look at 120, it could be a huge change in which case I think it would be too skinny, but it might not be that drastic. Go on how you feel, are you happy, are you tired all the time, are you eating well and living well, you will know.