On the Road to Surgery

Hi! While I have been a member of MFP for awhile, I am just now actually using it. I have started the process for WL surgery and have just started the 4-6 months of medically supervised weight loss required. My actual plan (and have told the dietician this) is to lose a significant amount of weight during this time. If I do, I plan to continue the supervised plan and not do the surgery. If I find that I am gaining back or no longer losing, I can switch back to the surgery road.
The dietician told me that many people do this successfully.
The Christmas holidays are a bad time to start a new way of eating. The past two days I have been over my daily amounts and am drinking Pepsi. However, I will be back on plan today and still enjoy the good food.
Of course I have tracked EVERYTHING that I have eaten, no matter how "bad".
Here's to good health for all of us!!!