Need help, exercise recommendations

I am 22 years old working on weight loss for the past 1.5 years. I am 5'3 and currently 137 lbs. I was 168 at my highest and used power 90, slim in 6, and 30 day shred to get down to 130 lbs. I then got very sick and could not exercise as frequently and gained about 7 pounds back. I am trying to start back up again to get to around 120-125 but am desperately needing motivation/advice.
Everyday I say I'm going to workout and eat right and it just does not happen. I've gotten extremely sick of 30 ds, slim in 6, and power 90 and am looking for recommendations.

Any help would be appreciated!


  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Of you finished Power 90 isn't P90X the next step up? Might be a good change from doing the same DVDs over and over.

    If you are ready to venture out and get really crazy, you could join a gym and start heavy lifting.

    As far as the weight loss, that is all about calories. The last little bit is always the hardest. Just keep at it.