weight lifting beginners

Hey, I have been actively working out for two months now. I started lifting with my brother but he switched shifts so I am solo now. How much does a woman beginner lift ? How much do you lift? Do you prefer machines or free weight or use body weight? Just want to get an idea where I am at.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Do an actual program. New Rules of Lifting for Women, Starting Strength, StrongLifts 5x5 are all good programs for beginners. You will get the most benefit from lifting free weights...I use some machines, but only for assistance work. Assistance work isn't all that necessary for a beginner though. Your routine should focus primarily on compound, full body lifts...you will see the best results most efficiently.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Hey, I have been actively working out for two months now. I started lifting with my brother but he switched shifts so I am solo now. How much does a woman beginner lift ? How much do you lift? Do you prefer machines or free weight or use body weight? Just want to get an idea where I am at.

    A woman beginner lifts the same as a man beginner. I would suggest free weights over machines (if you have the ability to choose). Body weight and dumbbell exercises are great if you aren't able to handle the barbell bar yet.

    As Cwolfman suggested - Starting Strength and Stronglifts. I'd also throw in AllPros in there. Even if you don't use the barbell, still read the info on these because they will give you ideas on the compound lifts (that can be done with dumbbells), methods, and give you an idea on progression.

    There are lots of youtube videos you could check out too in order to give you an idea on form.