Alpha and " Omega"

I'm not sure how the Alpha ties into this (other than this being the beginning of a new healthy me) but my question is really about Omegas. :)

Years, and years, ago I used to work for Weight Loss Forever. At the time all of our clients were given some herbal tablets for weight loss and a dual package of Omega 3 and Omega 6 gel tabs that were supposed to shrink fat cells. The herbal tablets - well, I won't say anything negative for fear of a lawsuit, but will say be careful of any herbal supplements we put in our bodies, the possible interactions with other medications, and the long term after effects. My rule of thumb now is that herbs are grown. If you can't plant it yourself, where the heck did it come from???

Back to the Omegas - I don't know how but they really did seem to work. Now fast forward years later, there is a lot of focus and talk about the health benefits of Omegas in our diet. My goal is to add a new health benefit to my lifestyle every 2 weeks in my quest to be healthy. This week I'm taking on Omegas.

Can anyone recommend an Omega brand? Is there a benefit in taking both Omega 3 and Omega 6? What benefits have you seen by taking the Omegas?


  • dcturcotte
    I take UDO's Oil

    You can get them in them in a gel capsule (i'm currently taking those) but you can also get just the oil and put it in your food, i take 6 capsules 3 times a day. I'm pretty happy with them so far, can't really preach how great they are because even though I do feel great but I started taking 2 other supplements the same day. they are essentially comprised of all your EFA's. According to the bottle they are comprised of flaxseed oil. sunflower seed oil, sesame seed oil etc. I searched them online and found pretty good reviews on them as well as they came highly recommended from a friend who owns a fitness shop

    here is some more info
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I take Natural Factor's Omega 3-6-9. 2 capsules 2 x a day as recommended by my doctor.
    I initially started taking it because I have a history of bloodclots and she feels the omega are very helpful in reducing the tendency to clot, and help the circulation system.
    In addition, I've also found that my skin is much clearer, and my hair seems more shiney and strong as well.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    You can get them naturally in food instead of having to buy a supplement if you want something more natural like your idea on herbals. Omega 3's are found in green leafy vegetables, canola oil, flaxseed oil, soy products, nuts, and fish. Omega 6's are found in corn, sunflower, peanut, and soy oils. If you want to supplement them, though so you can control calories by not having to eat so much of those oils, I recommend Natrol Omega 3 6 9 Complex. It has what you need of all of them and doesn't taste like fish or cause the belches like a lot of the fish oil pills that are usually recommended.