Trying anything and everything

I've been on Weight Watchers, I've had personal trainers, I see a nutritionist, I work at a YMCA (so I can work out after/before shifts). I have done A LOT to lose weight and what I find the most effective is accountability. So hold me accountable! I signed up for a 6-week winter weight loss program my Y is doing and am striving to work out after every shift (which will get me working out 3-4 times a week at least). But I need the people motivating me to stay and work out after my shifts and not just go home.

I'm a grad student in my mid-twenties in the Boston area. I have asthma and hypothyroidism, both of which are now controlled with medication but are sometimes mental obstacles. Both my parents are/have gotten into better shape and eating habits themselves, so that's somewhat motivating for me as well.

I love kale chips and smoothies and my diet is generally good. It's the motivation for exercising I need other people's help with. So thanks in advance!


  • Do not look for a 6 week weight loss program,fad diets and crap like that,they burn u out mentally.
    Fitness is all about new lifestyle and consistency.

    So,skip the diets,just eat healhty,if u crave somthing,just eat it but in moderation and than get back to eatin healhty.
    Working out should be your escape from your every day problems,so enjoy it.

    You CAN do it trust me
  • Blamber21
    Blamber21 Posts: 29 Member
    Yea.. mentally working out is time for yourself.. no one wants anything from you, you can just focus on yourself. It's the only chance I get in the run of a day to listen to my music, not be interrupted, sweat like crazy, and get my little lift or high or whatever. If working out is YOUR time it might become something you crave instead of force yourself to do.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I love kale chips and smoothies and my diet is generally good. It's the motivation for exercising I need other people's help with. So thanks in advance!

    A "generally good" diet won't do it. Healthy foods or not, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn...and you can't exercise away consistent over consumption. A "smoothie" can be 200 calories or 700, depending on what it contains and the size.

    Regular exercise is great, and encouraged, but the most important thing for weight loss is to create a caloric deficit through appropriate food choices and portion size. Begin to log everything you eat, make sure to measure liquids and weigh solids and log an accurate number of calories. You can actually eat anything you want, you're not stuck with kale chips...just keep your calorie intake to the appropriate amount.

    Good luck! You can do it.