Too restrictive?

I am 5'2" tall and weigh 300 lbs. I am wondering if this 1400 calorie diet be too restrictive for me?
Here is a meal plan below:
Would this diet be too restrictive for me? I plan to consume 1400 calories a day, at least for a while. However, I need to learn how to eat smaller portions. I want to be able to eat smaller or moderate portions but that is not one of my strong points. I also tend to binge and need to exercise more. As you well know, I have been having issues with a weight loss plateau and with binging. I am also bipolar with anxiety issues. Would that also play a factor in binging?

Here is a sample 1400 calorie diet:

Breakfast: 2 slices honey wheat toast, banana, 1 Tbsp. Jelly or jam, 1 cup white seedless grapes

Snack 1: 1 cup vanilla ice cream

Lunch: 300 calories: veggie burger with one slice cheese, pickle, lettuce, 2 slices tomato, ketchup, mustard, small tossed salad with low calorie salad dressing

Snack 2: fiber one bar, 1/2 cup strawberries

Dinner: Kale salad: Kale, lettuce, tomatoes, olives, mushrooms and pepperoni with low calorie dressing

Snack 3: medium banana


  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Where's the protein? And why such a drastic low calorie goal?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I am 5'2" tall and weigh 300 lbs. I am wondering if this 1400 calorie diet be too restrictive for me?
    Here is a meal plan below:
    Would this diet be too restrictive for me? I plan to consume 1400 calories a day, at least for a while. However, I need to learn how to eat smaller portions. I want to be able to eat smaller or moderate portions but that is not one of my strong points. I also tend to binge and need to exercise more. As you well know, I have been having issues with a weight loss plateau and with binging. I am also bipolar with anxiety issues. Would that also play a factor in binging?

    Here is a sample 1400 calorie diet:

    Breakfast: 2 slices honey wheat toast, banana, 1 Tbsp. Jelly or jam, 1 cup white seedless grapes

    Snack 1: 1 cup vanilla ice cream

    Lunch: 300 calories: veggie burger with one slice cheese, pickle, lettuce, 2 slices tomato, ketchup, mustard, small tossed salad with low calorie salad dressing

    Snack 2: fiber one bar, 1/2 cup strawberries

    Dinner: Kale salad: Kale, lettuce, tomatoes, olives, mushrooms and pepperoni with low calorie dressing

    Snack 3: medium banana

    I can't see how this even adds up to 1,400
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I see very little protein in your plan. Yesterday and the day before I went over my calories for the day, but the couple of weeks before that I did very well and logged everything. Feel free to take a look at my diary, I aim for 1400 calories. However, starting at 300 pounds, you can eat more than 1400 and still lose weight at a good rate.

    Instead of a breakfast of toast, banana, jam, and grapes...which is basically all carbohydrates...try for a good mix of protein, fats, and some carbs. For example...toast with eggs, or a banana with peanut butter. Most people find it easier to stick to their plan when there is a good amount of proteins and healthy fats (like from nuts and avocado). Carbs and sugar are ok too, you don't need to cut them out, but chances are you won't feel as satisfied if they make up the majority of calories in any meal. For example...I love ice cream too (who doesn't!) but if I'm honest with myself, a high protein yogurt with some sunflower seeds mixed in keeps me satisfied for longer with fewer calories. (Some people here eat ice cream every day and make it work, and if you can, go for it, as long as it fits in your calorie goal, but for ME, the food choices I make influence my level of hunger later in the day, so I have to consider that when I make choices.)

    Binging often comes from being overly restrictive OR missing out on essential nutrients. When I don't regularly eat a good mix of colorful veggies...I find myself uncontrollably hungry for everything.

    ps: I also suffer bipolar 2 and anxiety...if I've been able to do it, so can you!
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    You absolutely need more protein and fat...I don't see a single substantial source of energy in there. With a low calorie goal like that, you really do need to be more particular if you want to feel full and function normally. I used to have oatmeal, pb, and a bunch of fruit for breakfast, but was always shaky. Switched over to 2-3 eggs, half an avocado, a few ounces of smoked salmon or bacon and some toast. I was never shaky by 11am like before, and lost the weight just fine.
  • heystephie
    heystephie Posts: 34 Member
    Yup you need more protein in your diet. Try oven baked salmon with kale instead or chicken breasts with a side salad. Also, I'd recommend cutting out the vanilla ice cream for your snack and eating some greek yogurt or snacking on almonds instead.

    Use smaller plates to put your food on so it looks like you're eating more but you're actually eating less. This also prevents you from overpiling your plate with food. Also try clear your fridge of junk food and put plenty of vegetables, fruits or yogurt in there, so even if you happen to eat a bit more, at least you're eating the healthy stuff.
  • eversosquidly
    eversosquidly Posts: 59 Member
    If you up your protein, you will feel SO much fuller. I try to make protein the thing I eat the most of. And there's nothing wrong with ice cream, but a cup seemed like a lot for a snack. Just a thought! Good luck!
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    I don't think there is anything wrong with a 1400 Diet,.. Show's do it all the time, Extream Make over, Biggest Loser etc.
    but everybody is talking about your Protien, and I did notice that you are eating a veggie burger.
    What type of veggie burger is it? How much protien?

    Why are you having Ice cream as a snack? can you trade that to cottage cheese or Greek Yogurt?

    Get rid of "low calorie salad dressing"
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I don't think there is anything wrong with a 1400 Diet,.. Show's do it all the time, Extream Make over, Biggest Loser etc.
    but everybody is talking about your Protien, and I did notice that you are eating a veggie burger.
    What type of veggie burger is it? How much protien?

    Why are you having Ice cream as a snack? can you trade that to cottage cheese or Greek Yogurt?

    Get rid of "low calorie salad dressing"

    Please please please do not equate shows like Biggest Loser to real, actual, healthy strategies for weight loss. That show is so misleading, there should be a disclaimer at the opening credits.

    What's wrong with low calorie salad dressing? I happen to prefer making my own with some Greek yogurt mixed with balsamic vinegar or mustard or mmmm the other day I cooked up a quarter cup of raspberries and made my own raspberry vinegarette! But there's nothing wring with a few tbsp of store bought dressing.
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I eat at least 2000 calories, but I also workout at least 4 days a week but I agree with the others you definitely need more protein in your diet and not saying that you do, but if that 1 cup of vanilla ice cream is a daily snack, you might want to cut that down a bit probably a majority of your calories are going to that instead of some food that is way more filling and can give you more of your nutritional needs there are plenty of really delicious snacks that you don't have to sacrifice all those calories for but the main point is, you don't have to eat that few calories you can enjoy eating more.
  • Phildog47
    Phildog47 Posts: 255 Member
    I see almost NOTHING BUT CRAP. Read some diet books that delve into food nutrition and learn to read ingredient labels.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Although a restrictive diet for people who are obese can work very well, I would look to get the okay from your doctor and a certified dietician. Then once you have lost some weight you would want to increase you calories so your deficit was smaller.

    The main problem you will find with such a restrictve diet is adherence.

    Are you planning to exercise as well OP? If you do, at 1400 calories I'd suggest eating back your exercise calories.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I am 5'2" tall and weigh 300 lbs. I am wondering if this 1400 calorie diet be too restrictive for me?
    Here is a meal plan below:
    Would this diet be too restrictive for me? I plan to consume 1400 calories a day, at least for a while. However, I need to learn how to eat smaller portions. I want to be able to eat smaller or moderate portions but that is not one of my strong points. I also tend to binge and need to exercise more. As you well know, I have been having issues with a weight loss plateau and with binging. I am also bipolar with anxiety issues. Would that also play a factor in binging?

    Here is a sample 1400 calorie diet:

    Breakfast: 2 slices honey wheat toast, banana, 1 Tbsp. Jelly or jam, 1 cup white seedless grapes

    Snack 1: 1 cup vanilla ice cream

    Lunch: 300 calories: veggie burger with one slice cheese, pickle, lettuce, 2 slices tomato, ketchup, mustard, small tossed salad with low calorie salad dressing

    Snack 2: fiber one bar, 1/2 cup strawberries

    Dinner: Kale salad: Kale, lettuce, tomatoes, olives, mushrooms and pepperoni with low calorie dressing

    Snack 3: medium banana

    The meals don't look very substantial, plus you have sugary things that would make me crave more sugar. I found that eating filling meals keeps my hunger at bay. Hunger is the enemy for me. When I get hungry I grab whatever is around.

    You might be different, but the grapes, jelly and banana for breakfast (apart from the toast) have a lot of sugar and would leave me craving food in an hour or two. A bowl of steel cut oats with sliced apple works for me and is filling. I make a batch ahead of time and just reheat some in the morning and slice fruit into it -- about 230 calories for everything.

    Have you ever tried steamed kale instead of raw? It would be easier to eat. Kale is super nutritious and retains the nutrients if you steam it.

    I would add more protein to your day, more filling meals, and for myself drop the sugary things, because they make me crave more sugar, but other people can eat that stuff in moderation.
  • Phildog47
    Phildog47 Posts: 255 Member
    Let's look at the menu:

    Breakfast: 2 slices honey wheat toast, banana, 1 Tbsp. Jelly or jam, 1 cup white seedless grapes

    CRAP! You don't need all that sugar. 2 fruits and jelly and starch! How about some eggs, or some oats? Even a bowl of Reese's puffs beats this.

    Snack 1: 1 cup vanilla ice cream

    ICE CREAM is full of crap! Get rid of it! 1cup is a double serving... NO sensible diet book will recommend this for a 'snack'.

    Lunch: 300 calories: veggie burger with one slice cheese, pickle, lettuce, 2 slices tomato, ketchup, mustard, small tossed salad with low calorie salad dressing

    Get rid of the sugary ketchup. What is the "low calorie" dressing? It is "lite ranch"? Use a vinaigrette.

    Snack 2: fiber one bar, 1/2 cup strawberries

    Where are you getting your diet advice? Kellogg's? Fiber one bars are small for a reason... they are full of crap and fake fiber!

    Dinner: Kale salad: Kale, lettuce, tomatoes, olives, mushrooms and pepperoni with low calorie dressing

    Pepperoni? WTH? ever hear of chicken on a salad?

    Snack 3: medium banana

    again with the fruit... you must love sugar, sugar!

    The best diet? Lean meat (protein), vegetables, whole grains, fruits.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if you want to learn to eat smaller portions you could spread your meals out into six smaller ones over the day…

    i would not restrict any foods, as food restriction tends to lead to people to binge on said foods later…

    My diary is public and you can check it out for ideas…

    1400 sounds low for someone of your size..assuming you could probably eat 2000 a day and still lose

    the most sustainable plan would be to figure out a 500 calories deficit and aim for about 1 pound a week loss. Try to have your diet be about 80% healthy and 20% whatever you want - ice cream, pizza, hamburger, cookies, etc.

    I would also say familiarize yourself with compound lifts and proper form, and then build a program around them that has you hitting legs/arms/back/shoulders/chest three times a week with cardio two to three times a week. Compound lifts = squats, deadlfits, overhead press, pull ups/chin ups, rows, bench press….

    Good luck to you ...
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    I'm going to chime in and give another vote for re-working your macros.

    I took a quick peek at your profile and I see you mention PCOS and diabetes. If you aren't measuring your post prandial blood sugar every once in a while, I recommend you get a glucometer and do so.

    If a meal sends your blood sugar too high, then you should consider replacing that food with something that does not.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Phildog47
    Phildog47 Posts: 255 Member
    I see almost NOTHING BUT CRAP. Read some diet books that delve into food nutrition and learn to read ingredient labels.

    Bananas, tomatoes, lettuce, veggie burger??? Crap?? Sharpen your eyes before leaving comments???

    Most store bought veggie burgers are loaded with GMOs
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Let's look at the menu:

    Breakfast: 2 slices honey wheat toast, banana, 1 Tbsp. Jelly or jam, 1 cup white seedless grapes

    CRAP! You don't need all that sugar. 2 fruits and jelly and starch! How about some eggs, or some oats? Even a bowl of Reese's puffs beats this.

    Snack 1: 1 cup vanilla ice cream

    ICE CREAM is full of crap! Get rid of it! 1cup is a double serving... NO sensible diet book will recommend this for a 'snack'.

    Lunch: 300 calories: veggie burger with one slice cheese, pickle, lettuce, 2 slices tomato, ketchup, mustard, small tossed salad with low calorie salad dressing

    Get rid of the sugary ketchup. What is the "low calorie" dressing? It is "lite ranch"? Use a vinaigrette.

    Snack 2: fiber one bar, 1/2 cup strawberries

    Where are you getting your diet advice? Kellogg's? Fiber one bars are small for a reason... they are full of crap and fake fiber!

    Dinner: Kale salad: Kale, lettuce, tomatoes, olives, mushrooms and pepperoni with low calorie dressing

    Pepperoni? WTH? ever hear of chicken on a salad?

    Snack 3: medium banana

    again with the fruit... you must love sugar, sugar!

    The best diet? Lean meat (protein), vegetables, whole grains, fruits.

    Sugar is not harmful so get off the sugar soapbox.
    She's eating a lot more whole/'real' food than most do when they pose this question.

    OP, more protein and fat will keep you fuller for longer.
    So trade some ice cream for some chicken (depressing I know =[)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Let's look at the menu:

    ICE CREAM is full of crap! Get rid of it! 1cup is a double serving... NO sensible diet book will recommend this for a 'snack'.

    bro, why you hating on ice cream…?

    There is nothing wrong with having a serving of ice cream a day as long as you fit it in and eat in a deficit….

  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    I don't think there is anything wrong with a 1400 Diet,.. Show's do it all the time, Extream Make over, Biggest Loser etc.
    but everybody is talking about your Protien, and I did notice that you are eating a veggie burger.
    What type of veggie burger is it? How much protien?

    Why are you having Ice cream as a snack? can you trade that to cottage cheese or Greek Yogurt?

    Get rid of "low calorie salad dressing"
    What's wrong with low calorie salad dressing?
    There is no definition of a low calorie dressing.
    Just because it's low, dosn't mean she can not over indulge; even over indulging can add up really quick.