
Right now im too out of shape to run and i dont wanna just throw myself into it...but i started walking on an incline for about 20-30 minutes a day at a fast pace....
ideally how long should i get up there and exercise if i have about 70-80 pounds to lose? i know 20-30 minutes is the bare minimum idk any advice helps..
also ive been eating between 1600-2000 calories a day...
is that too much? for only working out 20-30 minutes idk thanks..


  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Look into the couch to 5k (C25k) program if you want to run.
    It starts with mostly walking with some short run intervals.
    Running is not a requirement to lose weight.
    If you enjoy walking, then do that because you'll be far more successful doing an exercise you love.

    If 20-30 minutes is all you can do right now, then do that.
    Work your way up to either longer time or faster speeds (don't do both at once, don't want an injury).

    What are your stats?
    How did you get the 1600-2000 cal goal?
  • diza1
    diza1 Posts: 3
    I finally met my goal of 50lb loss. I needed an exercises that didn't hurt my joints. I started swimming laps in the pool. If you have access to a pool it is the best easiest way to get slim all over. When I started I could only do 5 laps and lasted about 15 minutes in the pool. I set the goal for 60 minuted and 60 laps in that hour. When I finished I was up to 65 laps in 1 hour. There is a clock on the wall that I watched to track my progress. It made the time fly. I also limited my calories to 1000 a day. But I really tried to keep the cals to under 700.
    I also found Walden Farms NO calorie foods. Salad dressings, jelly, cranberry sauce, pancake syrup and more.I'm a sucker for sweets. Blue Bunny ice cream (1/2 cup) and Walden Farms no cal caramel topping= only 80 calories. Weight Watchers Dark chocolate candy. 1 piece=30 cals. Tastes great. Make sure to limit intake to 1. not the whole pouch.
    I weigh and measure everything so I know what I eat. I grill several skinless boneless chicken breasts. 1 oz - only 30 calories. 2 oz's diced and warmed in a toaster oven with lettuce tomato etc makes a satisfying lunch
    The website . Is where I order from. Walden Farms, DeVinci flavorings, big train pancake mix are some of my favorites. Especially DeVinci egg nog flavor. I mix it with unsweetened Almond milk and crushed ice in a blender. tastes just like egg nog but only 30 calories. i also used Mcellinas Tv dinners. Mostly the meatloaf. Only 180 cals. I try to keep them under 240 calories. There are several to choose from. A brain eye trick is to use a smaller dinner plate and put your salad on your dinner plate with the rest of the meal. The plate will be real full and you'll feel satisfied eating less.
    Hope thes tips help you. They worked for me. Took me 6 month to loose 50 lbs.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I finally met my goal of 50lb loss. I needed an exercises that didn't hurt my joints. I started swimming laps in the pool. If you have access to a pool it is the best easiest way to get slim all over. When I started I could only do 5 laps and lasted about 15 minutes in the pool. I set the goal for 60 minuted and 60 laps in that hour. When I finished I was up to 65 laps in 1 hour. There is a clock on the wall that I watched to track my progress. It made the time fly. I also limited my calories to 1000 a day. But I really tried to keep the cals to under 700.
    I also found Walden Farms NO calorie foods. Salad dressings, jelly, cranberry sauce, pancake syrup and more.I'm a sucker for sweets. Blue Bunny ice cream (1/2 cup) and Walden Farms no cal caramel topping= only 80 calories. Weight Watchers Dark chocolate candy. 1 piece=30 cals. Tastes great. Make sure to limit intake to 1. not the whole pouch.
    I weigh and measure everything so I know what I eat. I grill several skinless boneless chicken breasts. 1 oz - only 30 calories. 2 oz's diced and warmed in a toaster oven with lettuce tomato etc makes a satisfying lunch
    The website . Is where I order from. Walden Farms, DeVinci flavorings, big train pancake mix are some of my favorites. Especially DeVinci egg nog flavor. I mix it with unsweetened Almond milk and crushed ice in a blender. tastes just like egg nog but only 30 calories. i also used Mcellinas Tv dinners. Mostly the meatloaf. Only 180 cals. I try to keep them under 240 calories. There are several to choose from. A brain eye trick is to use a smaller dinner plate and put your salad on your dinner plate with the rest of the meal. The plate will be real full and you'll feel satisfied eating less.
    Hope thes tips help you. They worked for me. Took me 6 month to loose 50 lbs.

    Eating 700-1000 is not healthy.
    Eating all the chemical no cal food is not A good idea either
  • 1capybara
    1capybara Posts: 162 Member
    Eating 700-1000 is not healthy.
    Eating all the chemical no cal food is not A good idea either
    ^ ^ ^ ^ That!!!!!