Giving This a Shot

Hi there, I am a 59 year old female, about 30 pounds overweight... and ( before anyone says it... I know!! DON"T EAT SO MUCH!), I am just looking for some support, and a place to log my food and exercise... and read about the successes and struggles of others in hopes that I can learn !
I was almost the perfect weight until the early '90's... went to the gym regularly, ate well.. ran after my three kids.. then .. not so much! Exercising is a challenge.. I just don't like doing it... so.. I walk... and pretty much find every excuse in the book to stay home and not go out! So I really need some support in that direction!
I am a really good cook, if I do say so myself.. and love to make gourmet meals for my family. How is it that they are ok and I am overweight? OK, hubby could do with some trimming... but thats a whole other story!
I am planning to retire this coming August and it would be wonderful if there could be a little less of me by then!


  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    You're not giving this a shot you are *doing* this. Think Yoda, "there is no try, only do" :)
  • KalieHudson
    KalieHudson Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome! You sound like you are really serious about making this lifestyle change. Getting friends on here will really help keep you motivated and check out people's diaries that have been successful in losing so that you can get some ideas on what is working for others. I have sent you a friend request. Anyone feel free to add me!