FITBIT Users - I have a question for you!

So I got the Flex for Christmas and I exchanged it for the One this morning (I don't like wearing anything on my wrist). I just took it off the charger a little while ago. It's a LOT lighter and smaller than I thought it would be - I can see how people keep losing these!

I'm all registered on the fitbit site, everything's set up, and it syncs up live with my phone perfectly through low powered bluetooth. I'm pretty psyched.

But I don't think I'm going to hook it up to MFP yet. I'm doing pretty well here, eating the cals that MFP currently says I should be eating, and getting into better and better shape every week. With all of the extra steps and stairs that the fitbit will be logging though, I'm kind of afraid of what I might do if I suddenly find myself with thousands of extra calories every day. It already has me at a thousand calories today, and I've only had it a few hours - and almost all of that was just sitting. Plus, since I use runtastic to track my walks, and I have that synced up to MFP, I'm afraid that MFP will track the burn from the walks twice - once from the fitbit, and again through runtastic.

How do you guys integrate your Fitbit into your MFP world without messing everything up?


  • huntndox
    huntndox Posts: 33 Member
    I have a Zip. It just tracks steps. I do have it integrated with MFP. If I move enough, it will credit me with calories. I can choose to use them, or ignore them. Depends on how hungry I am, and if I am close to going over my base calories. I try to stick to those calories that are allotted to me by MFP, without input from Zip. But, there are times I appreciate having a few more calories available to me. I do think that having Zip has motivated me to move more, so it is doing it's job.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Most people recommend using the Fitbit to track activity and MFP to track food. Works for me.
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    I use my fitbit flex to monitor my TDEE and use MFP to log my food. At the end of the day I just check to ensure that I have a 500 calorie deficit.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    So I got the Flex for Christmas and I exchanged it for the One this morning (I don't like wearing anything on my wrist). I just took it off the charger a little while ago. It's a LOT lighter and smaller than I thought it would be - I can see how people keep losing these!

    I'm all registered on the fitbit site, everything's set up, and it syncs up live with my phone perfectly through low powered bluetooth. I'm pretty psyched.

    But I don't think I'm going to hook it up to MFP yet. I'm doing pretty well here, eating the cals that MFP currently says I should be eating, and getting into better and better shape every week. With all of the extra steps and stairs that the fitbit will be logging though, I'm kind of afraid of what I might do if I suddenly find myself with thousands of extra calories every day. It already has me at a thousand calories today, and I've only had it a few hours - and almost all of that was just sitting. Plus, since I use runtastic to track my walks, and I have that synced up to MFP, I'm afraid that MFP will track the burn from the walks twice - once from the fitbit, and again through runtastic.

    How do you guys integrate your Fitbit into your MFP world without messing everything up?

    Dude great additude, I would say just keep doing what you're doing. Your TDEE is already factoring in things like steps taken throughout the day, so you don't need to confuse things by adding in what's already being factored.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,407 Member
    I got the Zip for Christmas............................seems fitting
  • jaxtheassassin
    jaxtheassassin Posts: 31 Member
    I might not be using it the way others would, but it still does wonders for me.

    I have the flex, but I don't have it hooked up to my MFP page--the reason being that I want additional calories burned througout the day to not be reflected in what I eat throughout. Basically, I eat what is recommended, work out and try to burn my personal goals, and use the fitbit as excess....

    I know it sounds weird, but the fitbit just inspires me to move more throughout the day. I think this is something I should be doing anyway, so I make my goal to hit five miles in my work day, but I don't calculate those calories into the rest of my routine.

    It has worked well for me--it has inspired me to park further away at the grocery store, or walk the long way around to get something in the office...

    TL;DR I use it to keep myself moving throughout the day, but I don't count it towards my daily calorie intake or burn.
  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345
    I might not be using it the way others would, but it still does wonders for me.

    I have the flex, but I don't have it hooked up to my MFP page--the reason being that I want additional calories burned througout the day to not be reflected in what I eat throughout. Basically, I eat what is recommended, work out and try to burn my personal goals, and use the fitbit as excess....

    I know it sounds weird, but the fitbit just inspires me to move more throughout the day. I think this is something I should be doing anyway, so I make my goal to hit five miles in my work day, but I don't calculate those calories into the rest of my routine.

    It has worked well for me--it has inspired me to park further away at the grocery store, or walk the long way around to get something in the office...

    TL;DR I use it to keep myself moving throughout the day, but I don't count it towards my daily calorie intake or burn.

    Thanks, this right here is kind of what I'm thinking. I really don't know if I want my fitbit calories factored in to the mfp calories. I may try it without for a week, and maybe sync up the next week to see what changes...
  • I got the FitBit One for Xmas and integrated it with MyFitnessPal. It doesn't seem to be working right. When you exercise, you are supposed to enter a start/stop time in MyFitnessPal so it can reconcile those increased "steps" with the FitBit.

    Here is my issue....FitBit it telling MyFitnessPal that I have burned a ton of calories.

    I have MyFitnessPal setup for 1700 calories a day as my goal. I have eaten 800 calories so far today, I burned 300 calories doing some short exercise. MyFitnessPal is telling me I have 2080 calories left to eat today. It takes into account the 300 burned exercising and another 700 or so burned just being awake and moving. This isn't right though and I think I will have to turn off the integration.

    Here is a general example. If we average burning 2000 calories per day just getting up and doing normal stuff, then a 2000 calorie intake would make you break even and maintain weight at the end of each day.
    Integration with FitBit would say that I burned 2000 calories today so add that to my 2000 calorie goal and therefore I have 4000 calories to eat each day. That isn't right but that is how its currently working.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I used to have my FitBit connected to MFP. But then I got frustrated at being at the same weight forever. Unlinked them. Eat at TDEE minus 15-20% (MFP already had my calories at somewhere in the middle of those 2 so I left it). I still try to get my 10,000 steps a day on my FitBit and then I just enter the # of steps I got that day as an exercise note.
  • Amytrue1
    Amytrue1 Posts: 38 Member
    My FITBIT One just started acting wonky yesterday. Normal exercise, walking and stairs used to give me an extra 200-300 calories per day (I log food in MFP and l have FITBIT account linked), but now it gives me at least twice that. Not sure what's happening. I, too, am sticking with my usual caloric intake and daily exercise routine.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Mine has been synced over since day 1. I love that I ear a huge amount more calories to eat (even if I dont eat them all) cause I had no idea I would be that more active than I thought. Plus adding exercise is easier cause it tracks the one workout on both.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    My FITBIT One just started acting wonky yesterday. Normal exercise, walking and stairs used to give me an extra 200-300 calories per day (I log food in MFP and l have FITBIT account linked), but now it gives me at least twice that. Not sure what's happening. I, too, am sticking with my usual caloric intake and daily exercise routine.

    That cold be a time difference thing. Check the time on Fitbit compared to MFP. The workout could be posting as a lot earlier on Fitbit.