help needed please.

Hi, I am new to exercising the most i have done is 30 min step on the wii, but i would like to have an actual routine that i could work on, i am a stay at home mum who can not get out to the gym on a regular basis as my husband is a paychiatric nurse who works shiftsw, and can never garentee a time that he will be home for example he should have finished work yesterday at 3.30 and been home for 4pm at the latest, but i got a phone call at 7 saying he would be home soon as something well someone had kicked of at work.

I need a routine that works on toning my stomach, legs and bingo wings! i have three kids so i need something that can be done with them running around my feet, i have a flight of stairs, a step board, and some dumbells, i also have the wii fit if that helps at all? Help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    You might want to check Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds series. There's several choices out there and the choreography is so easy that even my two kids (7 & 5) "walk" with mommy when I'm walking. I also like it that if I can only do 15 minutes at a time, she's broken a lot of her DVDs down that way so if the kids interrupt me (as they will), I can do another 15 minutes or more later. She's even got a couple that use toning bands or small weights so you can work on the upper body while getting in your cardio. GL!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,683 Member
    I'm a Beachbody coach, so most of my video workout experience involves BB programs. I HIGHLY recommend Slim in 6 (for six weeks) and then Slim Series for after that. It's been great for my core, my abs, my legs, my arms — you name it. I've also done P90X (three times), and while it was good, I can honestly say it wasn't nearly as effective for my lower body as SI6 and SS were. I've also heard from women who have gotten great results from ChaLEAN Extreme, but I haven't tried it, so I can't say firsthand. A new one that sounds intriguing is TurboFire, but I'm still enjoying Slim Series and getting great results from it that I'm not in any hurry to change things up at this point in time.
  • TaraArriola
    The WII Fit has a lot of really good exercises. If you go into your profile and tell it what you want to work on it will put together a work out routine for you to do and you can even determine how long you want to work out for. The best thing is that it keeps all your time for you.
  • Hibpshman1
    Sounds like there are some great ideas here! The two most important things you can do (and shows up in a lot of success stories on here too) are:

    1. Count calories - keep track every day, even if you think you're going to go over, record them!

    2. Commit to spending a certain amount of time on your fitness per day and find a time to make it happen. Work out when the kids are napping or set aside a play time where they are together in one room while you work out near by, but have freedom to move. Your workout should get your heart rate up a bit, that is how you know you're doing work.

    Ideas that don't need a video, weights or anything, especially if you're just starting out on your adventure (you can look these up online for the proper form too, if you have a question about what an exercise is). Do an increased number of reps (10 to 20) and do them SLOW, and you'll get a good workout. Spend 30 to 45 minutes working out, all at once if you can (the kids will enjoy the play time). :o)

    Squats, crunches, lift arms above head, lift arms from the sides (side raises), push-ups on knees, imaginary bench press (no weight, but practice good form), leg lifts, planks, calf raises, bicep curls, flutter kicks...after a couple of weeks add in lunges, regular push-ups, twist crunches, dead lifts (no weights), bicycle crunches, jumping jacks, hop in place for 30 seconds, arm circles forward or backward, stretching...great for your joints and muscles!

    Walking is a great exercise that can be done with kids...walk fast enough to get your heart going a bit (while kids ride bikes, sit in stroller or walk along side).

  • aquavitae30
    Okay, so I haven't personally used it, but I've heard alot of good things about Jillian Michaels 30 day shred video. It mixes cardio, weight, and crunches and are less then 30 minutes long. The really nice thing is that you can buy it for $10 or less.

    I got Wii Fit like 2 years ago and used it twice? Good luck with your exercise, I know how hard it is to work out at home with kids.
  • Kazren
    Kazren Posts: 88
    Thanks everyone for your help, i think ia m going to have to have a play with my wii, and maybe do some of the exercises with my weights as extras, and wear my hrm as well. thanks again.