The morning after

So, I gained a pound after eating over my 1200 cal. diet. So I feel like I did pretty good for myself! I didn't stuff myself but I did eat enough to hold me over until the next holiday! How did you guys do?! :)


  • tyrsnbdr
    tyrsnbdr Posts: 234 Member
    I earned 5 lbs on the scale. Not worried at all. 2 workouts and some time to flush everything out of my system and I'll be alright. One more day to get through...
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I went about 1500kcal over my normal intake. Only saw .4 lbs up this morning. I bet it's not all processed through though ;). I had fun, I don't regret it and if you asked if I'd do it again I'd say absolutely!
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    I overdid it too. . . about 1,000 calories over. . .it helped that I worked out earlier in the day.(Burned 366 calories yesterday)

    Who's going to workout today. . .I'm thinking I'll do pilates today.
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I didn't weigh myself at all, but I only weigh myself once a week anyway. Did 45 minutes of circuit training. Don't think I gained anything, but more worried about all these leftovers -- especially that lovely berry pie I made and slow-churned vanilla ice cream. Still, all things considered, I made the pie myself so there's a lot less fat, preservatives and sodium in it than a store-bought one.

    I've decided to eat as best as I can and work out every day.
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    I did okay, considering. I went 500 over goal Monday when we had a cookie exchange AND lunch at an Italian place at work. Yesterday I was right at maintenance.

    With 58 pounds to go, a 1200 goal seems awfully low for you. That's really hard to stick with, and may flat not be enough food for good health if you're truly eating that little (weighing/measuring everything). You might want to try changing your goal to 1.5 or even 1 pound a week and see if that's more comfortable.