Looking for a support group

Yeah so here we go again. I've been doing this a short while now and doing fine but I always start out good. So I'm looking for men and women to accompany on the journey. A little about me since I have not filled out much of my profile yet (as of this post). I am a 42 yr old male and married to a woman who also is using this site as a starting place. I am over 500 pounds and have a 12 year old son that I desperately want to be healthier for so we can do things together. I am 6 foot 6 so I carry this weight better than an average man I suppose but I am still grossly obese.

Time to change that.

So if you can relate to this please add me. If you are good at staying positive (I'm not always) please add me. If you are looking to sell me weight loss plans or exercise routines or anything really - respectfully, please do not add me.

I want to meet genuine people who know what it is like to live in a world that makes you feel like a monster if you are fat. People who have family members who truly are disgusted with themselves if they notice they have gained 10 pounds and remark "ugh I'm so fat" when you know you are MUCH fatter than that, so how must they truly feel about you? People who go to amusement parks and have to find reasons to tell other people why they won't go on rides when the real reason is you just don't want to feel the humiliation of having to get off the ride because you are too big to fit.

Yeah I've experienced pain and it's been my fault. I have used food as a comfort and tried to eat like other guys who can eat anything and not gain weight. So no excuses here...but it still sucks

Anyone wanna try to change with me?


  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    Hello and welcome to the journey :) I try to remain positive, but I am also human and get discouraged. Alot of my friends are in the red which means they've pretty much given up. I will support you along the way. Congrats on your first step.
  • boomtown58
    boomtown58 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you! Feel free to send me a message anytime about anything! I love to chat and most days am good at returning the positive! :tongue:
  • Welcome to the journey :) your post really hit Home for me.
    i felt like a monster for so long...and no One should ever feel this way. I struggled with my Weight up until i couldnt take it anymore!
    i want to say congrats for joining, youve got to start somewhere and here is a good place to start !
    i lost a lot of weight last year and i know how important it is to have a good support system! I want to help you the best i can!
    add me if you want :)
  • Fkika3131
    Fkika3131 Posts: 208 Member
    Hi, Welcome to MFP, where you will find awesome people that will help you staying motivation. We all have our ups and downs Add me if you like :)
  • boomtown58
    boomtown58 Posts: 19 Member
    Yes I will! Both of you! How do you get your weight loss thing at the bottom of your posts? I would like to do that as well
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    get boom you can add me if you like. I know how you feel. I'm 44 and spent many many years at 300.I'm 50# lighter and I fee great with more to go. it can be done. and your allowed to g e t down once in a while. just keep moving forward and use this place e to motivated.