Help me - how to beat this?



  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    I will stop drinking a can (375ml) COKE ZERO in the mornings. and every year I fail.

    What's your reason for wanting to stop it?

    I worry about the carbon and addicity - it is not good for your theeth - it eats away the enamel...:( Even thought I floss and see my dentist every 3 months I can see the impact :((((((((((((

    I do drink a lot of water - easily go through a 2litre bottle a day -about 12 glasses a day

    I used to drink acid-based diet drinks till my dentist showed me under black-light what it was doing to my pearly whites at the gum-line....and since I have a mouth full of serious money, I decided I wanted to keep my teeth more than I did the drinks. Cuz once that enamel is gone around the gumline, out comes the crowns and in goes the screw/posts at a cost of $3,300 each.

    So choose to keep your teeth or not if this is truly your reason. :smile:
  • prezo83
    prezo83 Posts: 5 Member

    Now I want a Coke Zero..
  • Polda2010
    Polda2010 Posts: 99 Member
    Well...when was the last time you went to see a dentist and he or she told you to give up the only 1 can of sugar free soda???or 2...
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I used to drink one of those 1 liter bottle of diet coke every day and couldn't figure out why I was jittery all the time. As soon as I cut it out, the jittery feelings went away. I found out I'm pretty sensitive to caffeine so I cut them out and only drink caffeine diet root beer and Zevia sodas (cream, ginger beer).

    If you want to cut coke zero out then just do it. If you want to just limit it to certain times, do that. You have the control over food and drinks, it does not control you. :smile: Discipline is the answer.

    However, if you really don't want to cut it out, then no amount of discipline will help you.

    So, do you just wan to cut it out completely or just learn how to limit drinking it? :smile:
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    Is it causing you problems?

    (I'm just thinking, if it's not causing you problems, it seems a fairly arbitrary goal to set, and one that you're expecting to fail at, and then feel bad about. Why not just enjoy your can of coke zero?)

    ^^^In agreement! I treat myself with one can of diet soda a day!

    Yup, this. I try not to overdo it, but in moderation diet soda hardly counts as a vice at all.
  • Thanks guys..
    I will definately try again in 2014
    it is however frustrating how such a small bad habbit is difficult to break - I am very disciplined person when it comes to exercise or working out etc but this habbit seems to be the hardest to break..never mind a new year's resolution to compete in a cycling event of 98KMs - that will be easy to deliver on.....moving from 1 can of Coke zero a day to may be only 2 cans a WEEK will be a challenge...but I will try!
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    I have low blood pressure - my resting HRM is barely at 80

    Your resting heart rate is 80bpm? That's pretty poor and am assuming this is accurate. I would be inclined to get this checked out myself if I were you. (My resting HR is 50, fwiw). :flowerforyou:
  • I have low blood pressure - my resting HRM is barely at 80

    Your resting heart rate is 80bpm? That's pretty poor and am assuming this is accurate. I would be inclined to get this checked out myself if I were you. (My resting HR is 50, fwiw). :flowerforyou:

    thanks...had it checked out - part of my 6month medical :) I always get the green pass so I dont worry, but thanks for the concern :)
  • I have low blood pressure - my resting HRM is barely at 80

    Your resting heart rate is 80bpm? That's pretty poor and am assuming this is accurate. I would be inclined to get this checked out myself if I were you. (My resting HR is 50, fwiw). :flowerforyou:

    thanks...had it checked out - part of my 6month medical :) I always get the green pass so I dont worry, but thanks for the concern :)

    oh suuuuuuuggggarrrrr....just realised I gave the wrong measurement.....80 was my BP..not RHR....apologies for the confusion foks...Xmas brain here :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have low blood pressure - my resting HRM is barely at 80

    Your resting heart rate is 80bpm? That's pretty poor and am assuming this is accurate. I would be inclined to get this checked out myself if I were you. (My resting HR is 50, fwiw). :flowerforyou:
    I think so too. My resting heart rate is also around 50.
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    If you're worried about your teeth, why don't you just use a straw and drink the soda so it doesn't touch your teeth?

    I do this all of the time. I use straws for everything. (Coffee, tea, soda, etc.)
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    at every new year I make the same resolution - I will stop drinking a can (375ml) COKE ZERO in the mornings. and every year I fail.

    Now before I get the comments on how much sugar etc etc is in a glass of COCA COLA or sugary drinks let me state - I only drink COKE ZERO and only 1 can in the morning....if I have bad day I might have 1 more can later on the day but that is it.
    I dont smoke
    I dont drink alcohol
    I work out - plenty in fact :)
    I dont do sugar
    I hate sugary drinks - (soda..)
    I have low blood pressure - my resting HRM is barely at 80

    I floss - every day :)

    But I dont seem to be able to break my addiction to coffeeine by having a can of COKE ZERO. :(

    I tried switching to coffee but I didnt like it so I switched back
    then I tried tea (green tea) - I liked the taste of it but it is a hot drink and I hate waiting for it to cool down...

    anyone has any tips how I can break this in 2014?

    I drank 5-6 cans of coke zero a day and lost over 50lbs. I now drink 4-5 cans of coke zero a day and am maintaining. Nothing wrong with coke zero/diet coke.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I will stop drinking a can (375ml) COKE ZERO in the mornings. and every year I fail.

    What's your reason for wanting to stop it?

    I worry about the carbon and addicity - it is not good for your theeth - it eats away the enamel...:( Even thought I floss and see my dentist every 3 months I can see the impact :((((((((((((

    I do drink a lot of water - easily go through a 2litre bottle a day -about 12 glasses a day

    My dentist told me to drink it from a straw (it's what she does).
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Is this for real? :huh: :noway:
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Is this for real? :huh: :noway:

    That thought crossed my mind too :huh:
  • Ilb320
    Ilb320 Posts: 56 Member
    Try cutting your Coke Zero with water. Fill your glass with half water then half coke zero. The water will fill you up and the coke zero will take care of the sweet tooth.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I drink a Diet Dr. Pepper every day. I brush and floss as recommended by my dentist. Last checkup was perfect and the dentist said I should just keep doing what I've been doing. I will give up my Diet Dr. Pepper when someone pries it from my cold, dead hands. :-D
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    at every new year I make the same resolution - I will stop drinking a can (375ml) COKE ZERO in the mornings. and every year I fail.

    Now before I get the comments on how much sugar etc etc is in a glass of COCA COLA or sugary drinks let me state - I only drink COKE ZERO and only 1 can in the morning....if I have bad day I might have 1 more can later on the day but that is it.
    I dont smoke
    I dont drink alcohol
    I work out - plenty in fact :)
    I dont do sugar
    I hate sugary drinks - (soda..)
    I have low blood pressure - my resting HRM is barely at 80

    I floss - every day :)

    But I dont seem to be able to break my addiction to coffeeine by having a can of COKE ZERO. :(

    I tried switching to coffee but I didnt like it so I switched back
    then I tried tea (green tea) - I liked the taste of it but it is a hot drink and I hate waiting for it to cool down...

    anyone has any tips how I can break this in 2014?

    I drank 5-6 cans of coke zero a day and lost over 50lbs. I now drink 4-5 cans of coke zero a day and am maintaining. Nothing wrong with coke zero/diet coke.
    From a weight loss perspective. She's not speaking of that.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Is this for real? :huh: :noway:
    Why wouldn't it be?