Chocolate presents

All my family bought me chocolate for Christmas presents when I've been on a diet for 6 months. What will you do with excess chocolate in the house? I think I might need to buy a safe and give my husband the key!


  • tegalicious
    I got mini chocolates and an owl cookie jar for Christmas. We have named him Hootey the Chocolate god. He hides the chocolate from my eyes and when I have the calories, he gifts me with one or two mini chocolates!
  • Chizakura
    Chizakura Posts: 29 Member
    I used to always get a ton of chocolate presents, but the last few years of overweight-dom, I think my smile couldn't help slipping at the sight of chocolate gifts, so my family have learned not to buy me any. xD;

    I have a bit of chocolate from my stocking, but thankfully that's it. I'm a bit weird when I receive chocolate as a gift, I feel like I need to QUICK get rid of it (ie, eat it) so I can get back to being healthy, meanwhile it's a lot smarter to just have one or two a day and just let it last a while... Rather than chowing down a ton of empty calories for a week. But that's just my mentality for some reason. I grabbed one about an hour ago and felt panicky when I saw the remaining amount and almost grabbed another one to lessen the pile. It's so illogical, but for some reason that's my instinct. DX;
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I take extra food (ESPECIALLY chocolate) to work, to church, to whatever and give it away. Of course, if I've been good on calories I'll take one for myself ;-)

    Believe it or not, this year I've had to actually throw some out during "that time" when I'm super craving and it will be a few days until I can bring it somewhere that others can help me eat it. It hurts, but if I find myself snarfing piece after piece with no self control and I can't get it to someone else to share, then first I try hiding it in the freezer but if not into the trash it goes.

    I do not feel BAD about taking food gifts to work to share. That way I get to enjoy a little bit and don't over eat it.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    Mine are in the freezer in the garage. I have to go out in the cold to get it, then wait for it to thaw or risk breaking a tooth.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    We eat them little by little over many days. a square here, a truffle there, a cookie or wafer after a different meal. We just work them into our healthy eating and pare back on some other non essential like butter, or olive oil, or something.
  • janettebishop940
    Yes. That's how I feel. I have no concept of time when it comes to chocolate. I can't imagine there being some left in weeks to come. Anyone would think I'd grown up having chocolate stolen from me. It's like I have to eat it or it'll go. It seems silly to give it away when I will be needing it! I think people think now I've lost the weight, that I dont still have a problem with eating too much. But it's like once a chocoholic always a chocoholic.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I take extra food (ESPECIALLY chocolate) to work, to church, to whatever and give it away. Of course, if I've been good on calories I'll take one for myself ;-)

    Believe it or not, this year I've had to actually throw some out during "that time" when I'm super craving and it will be a few days until I can bring it somewhere that others can help me eat it. It hurts, but if I find myself snarfing piece after piece with no self control and I can't get it to someone else to share, then first I try hiding it in the freezer but if not into the trash it goes.

    I do not feel BAD about taking food gifts to work to share. That way I get to enjoy a little bit and don't over eat it.

  • janettebishop940
    That's the answer for me. I'll put it in the shed at the end of the garden. Or in my car. It's 4 - 10 degrees here and I hate the cold and won't go get it if I have to explain to my son that mummy can't survive without a chocolate fix!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    All my family bought me chocolate for Christmas presents when I've been on a diet for 6 months. What will you do with excess chocolate in the house? I think I might need to buy a safe and give my husband the key!

    Give them away.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I had a guest who is on a "special diet" and so didn't eat food I supplied - and I had healthy options - fruit platter, plain rice crackers - but brought gifts of a Christmas cake, a box of butter biscuits AND a massive box of Lindt chocolates ... why??

    I am a bit like "I better eat these quick and get them out of the way" but I might try hiding them in the freezer/just eating one a day / and of course count in overall day.

    Such is life! :laugh:
  • MirandaDeCrane
    MirandaDeCrane Posts: 78 Member
    Moderation ;)

    I also teach, so there are always people around at work to help me out and take it off my hands LOL
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    My mum got me 2 huge boxes of chocs despite knowing what I am doing. I opened one when relatives were around, so one got inhaled. The other I will wrap up and give to someone else!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    All my family bought me chocolate for Christmas presents when I've been on a diet for 6 months. What will you do with excess chocolate in the house? I think I might need to buy a safe and give my husband the key!
    Please send me your chocolate, pleeeaaassseee.

    Just kidding.

    Didn't get any chocolate this year, but got other sweets. I had lover-man take them home because he has superb control over eating sweets and he has a roommate who loves sweets.
  • janettebishop940
    ChristineS - maybe she was given them as presents and was passing them on!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    One of my Cub Scouts gave me a box of chocolate truffles -- it's in my freezer to be eaten one at a time in moments of extreme stress throughout next year. Truth: until I saw this post, I had forgotten I had it. :love:
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,088 Member
    I love getting chocolates - I just put them in the fridge and eat one or two when I can fit them into my allowance.

    If I had trouble moderating myself, I think taking them to share at work etc is the best idea.

    PS: I am in Australia and was reading these 'put them in the car' suggestions going WTF??? they'll melt!! :noway:

    until I remembered it is snowy winter in USA :laugh:
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Take it to work and make my co-workers fat. :devil:
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    I managed to escape without receiving any chocolate, that is until today. My husband was out looking for after Christmas sales on inflatables and came home with four, yes four, boxes of chocolate covered cherries that were on sale. I kept one box out and plan to have one or two each day and I hid the rest. I will slowly take them out when I am feeling strong enough to only have a couple at a time. I usually have a few squares of dark chocolate each day anyway so for a while my treat will be these chocolate covered cherries :):)
  • janettebishop940
    My mum just pointed out that I had better wrap them up well or the mice might get them. My reply was: I better wrap them up good - I'm not sharing! (With the mice that is).
  • BozGirl
    BozGirl Posts: 333 Member
    All my family bought me chocolate for Christmas presents when I've been on a diet for 6 months. What will you do with excess chocolate in the house?

    Me too. So far I haven't been into any of it, which is unusual for me. (Even more unusual, I've been craving vegetables all week.)

    If I start eating too much chocolate, I will take it to work or throw it away. I threw away a bunch of cookies, cake, pastries and breads on Monday, and it was very liberating.