Oatmeal on the go recipe

I have this great recipe for oatmal or pancake lovers, does not use any flour or milk..and they are great!!!

5 eggs (or 10 egg whites)
1 lg banana (the riper the better)
1 cup oatmeal
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
cinammon and sugar (or sweetner) to taste
*throw all ingredients into the blender and blend til liquid**
**cook as you would a pancake, turn over when bubbly**
**do not eat right away, texture is gooey at first, but firms up**
**great cold, i can usually get about 12 mini pancakes and eat about 3-4 per serving**
** can also substitue banana for pumpkin pie filling, shredded zuchinni or whatever you like,,recipe is pretty flexible, just depends on how many calories you want to spend***
