30 minutes walking a day 22 minutes low impact areobics

Hello everyone

I have a question im embarking on a new weight loss journey at 349 pounds i want to eat my fitness pal calories for the day,and walk 30 minutes a day at 3.0 3,2 at 2.0 incline followed by the biggest loser cardio boot camp dvd which includes hand weights and areobics it really works up a sweat would i be succesful with doing this.i also have a heart rate monitor but im not sure were to work it in when excercising?

how should i go about losing this weight and also whats a good way to kill night time appetitie

thanks for any advice


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  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hello everyone

    I have a question im embarking on a new weight loss journey at 349 pounds i want to eat my fitness pal calories for the day,and walk 30 minutes a day at 3.0 3,2 at 2.0 incline followed by the biggest loser cardio boot camp dvd which includes hand weights and areobics it really works up a sweat would i be succesful with doing this.i also have a heart rate monitor but im not sure were to work it in when excercising?

    how should i go about losing this weight and also whats a good way to kill night time appetitie

    thanks for any advice

    Weight loss is about calorie deficit. The easiest way to achieve that is portion control. Adding exercise can add to a calorie deficit (not as much as most people think) ....adding exercise (strength training) will help you maintain muscle mass while eating at a deficit. Exercise is good for your health.

    Re: night time eating. I too have that problem. I make sure to leave room for something at the end of the day. Typically it's popcorn. Something with lots of fiber (filling), crunchy, and I can have a good sized portion for few calories.

    Any exercise you enjoy doing will help you burn calories. The reason I'm saying "enjoy" .....it should be the same amount of exercise you will do for life......ie: lifestyle change

    A HRM will help you get a better estimate for calorie burns ......HRMs are designed for steady state cardio workouts. The way MFP works.....you don't get credit for exercise until you log it. You then eat those calories back (because the deficit was built in with zero exercise). MFP "guesstimates" are pretty high for calorie burns....you can over ride the number to match your HRM.

    Walking is low impact aerobics....the faster you walk the more calories.....the higher incline more calories.....use your HRM here.

    Biggest Loser Bootcamp is rated as high impact circuit training (a combination of cardio+strength training). Use your HRM & compare it to MFP's number........use the most conservative estimate


    Edited to add....the closer you get to goal....the more important eating back exercise calories becomes. Your body will have fewer reserves.