Px90 missing days

I have to miss 2-3 days for eye surgery (one falls on my off day already). Also might need to keep it easy for about a week after. What's "protocol" for missing a P90x day?

Push your schedule behind and just do the next program like you hadn't missed a day?
Skip the exercises and jump ahead to keep on schedule?
Start the week over like what you did this week hasn't happened at all?

I'm only a week in FYI.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I would suggest that since you have to take it easy after to do what you can that week and repeat the same week the next week. I have done this in the past when I had to miss more than 1 day of the program.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Depending on if you want to keep your rest day the same, you can either restart that week on Monday (or whatever is day 1) or just keep going as if you didn't miss a day. The important thing is to stay in the game. That being said though - take it easy on your eye - weights and extreme cardio can put pressure up there. Be smart!