HELP! Gained 7lbs in 2 months!

Hi everyone

About 2 years ago, I weighed about 106 lbs, which if I'm honest was too small - I was eating too little. About a year ago, and for the last year, I've always weighed around 112lbs - I was very happy with this weight, I ate healthily but still generally what I wanted and exercised on a regular basis.

I started university in September, and to my horror when I weighed myself when I came home I weighed 119 lbs! I'm gutted, this is the heaviest I have ever been. I've noticed a change to my body, especially my stomach which is no longer flat and I can no longer wear some of the clothes I used to be able to - I constantly feel bloated.

I think the main reason for my putting on weight is simply my change of diet since university. I still have a bowl of cornflakes in the morning, usually have a banana for snack, tend to also snack of low-fat hummus, ryvita crackerbreads, a sandwich for lunch, but I'm in catered accommodation and the portions for dinner are just huge and there is no way of telling what the calorie count of anything is.

I guess one difference in my diet is that I tend to have sandwiches for lunch in university whereas I used to have salads, but surely that can't make THAT much of a difference as long as it's a healthy sandwich? I had no idea!

I walk on a daily basis and also attend the gym for about an hour 5 times a week.

I need advice, would really love to get back to 112lbs. Thank you so much!