Paleo friends?

Hello all :)

Wondering if there are any like minded people around also following the paleo template? I'm a 24 year old female from Melbourne, Australia (just moved here from NZ) looking to build my network as I embark on some radical self love, and health seeking in 2014.

I've read some pretty nasty comments about paleo on here for some reason, and I'm not looking to spark a debate, so if you don't like it, just perhaps don't comment, as I am looking to make some connections with people in the same mindset/community/lifestyle.

Looking forward to meeting some friendly people!


  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Paleo is great! I was on it for one month and it gave me amazing results!
  • misstearweus
    misstearweus Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I've been an 80/20 Paleo eater for the past 2 years now. I have lots of cook books and stalk paleo food websites for new ideas.

    I saw 80/20 because I give myself some lee way to eat outside of that mindset sometimes, either with more processed carbs here and there, or more strict carb less foods (no fruit, etc) depending on what I'm trying to achieve.

    For the most part; it's about eating clean and staying away from processed foods. You can disagree with all the science, but no one can argue against eating clean and eating whole foods. Protein, good fats, vegetables, and fruit. Knowing how Paleo works allows me to customize it for real life and my weightloss/body sculpting goals.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    You all can add me as friends also!! I am going back to the 80/20 rule as I have had better success with that method then the all of nothing approach and end up either eating things I didn't intend to eat or hurting people's feelings.
  • catpea33
    catpea33 Posts: 76 Member
    Me too! I've been eating palaeo for a few months for health reasons and I feel fantastic. I've lost 13lb 'by accident.' I also don't understand why people don't like the lifestyle but can only assume that part of it is due to preconceptions of it. I've tried a few different ways of eating and palaeo makes me happy. After two years of not really seeing any results, since going palaeo my athletic performance has improved dramatically. It's awesome on a plate.
