better ways to get back to sleep than filling my stomach?

Hi Team -
I'm a chronic sleep eater - meaning that there are times when I "sleep eat" or rise from bed at night and while i'm still asleep eat things. Lately I've found ways to at least wake myself up - like motion sensors that make a noise at me when I go towards the kitchen - BUT I'm still left with the problem that the easiest way for me to get back to sleep is to fill up my stomach. A sleep specialist says this happens because food comforts and comfort enables sleeping.

I guess its not completely food related but was wondering if you guys have any tips on what else I could do when I wake up to get back to sleep.

It's really a bummer waking up knowing you've used most of your calories before your day starts :-P


  • evilangelwings
    evilangelwings Posts: 14 Member
    I find drinking a hot drink soothes me if I'm having trouble sleeping, just some tea or maybe low cal hot chocolate (I drink something called options, its 40kcal per serving but I don't know if that's available in the US).
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Self pleasure works for me.
  • Nishi2013
    Nishi2013 Posts: 210 Member
    A routine... tea and half hour of sudoku or reading helps. Don't read an interesting new book. Read something you have read over and over.

    If all else fails, zzzzquil works.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Self pleasure works for me.

  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    Self pleasure works for me.

  • ReadyToBeMeAt160
    ReadyToBeMeAt160 Posts: 149 Member
    I find drinking a hot drink soothes me if I'm having trouble sleeping, just some tea or maybe low cal hot chocolate (I drink something called options, its 40kcal per serving but I don't know if that's available in the US).

    yeah i went the hot chocolate route mostly last night - am thinking some low cal hot chocolate is in order and maybe some unsweetened almond milk instead of original. together that could be pretty soothing.

    its just a matter of having the patience to heat something up at 2 in the morning :-P
  • ReadyToBeMeAt160
    ReadyToBeMeAt160 Posts: 149 Member
    A routine... tea and half hour of sudoku or reading helps. Don't read an interesting new book. Read something you have read over and over.

    If all else fails, zzzzquil works.

    that's true - but more am looking for the quick fix in the middle of the night. the original falling asleep isn't usually an issue.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Self pleasure works for me.


    Self manufactured or not.
  • scrapsandbones
    scrapsandbones Posts: 13 Member
    Why not just allocate some calories to night eating? Or drink unsweetened tea? Maybe green tea since it doesn't contain caffeine.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    You should figure out if u sleep eat more when you've had a very low calorie day.
    I peeked at your diary and sometimes you were over by quite a bit and sometimes way under your calorie goal.
    Also, you can try adding a lot more protein as you were frequently under on that and maybe a bit less proccessed carb and a lot more fresh fruits and veggies. Maybe your body needs more nutrient dense food.
    Also, I do agree with sitting down with a cup of your favorite herbal tea-perhaps some chamomile.
    In addition, you can try some deep slow breathing while consciously relaxing each different part of your body.

    The orgasm won't work for me because I become really wide awake and ready to go after that.
    It's like coffee to me-speaking of which, try reducing the amount of caffeine you ingest to a cup in the morning to see if that will help with your quality of sleep.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Have you seen a psychiatrist or your family med doc? There are medications that will subvert sleep walking. Also unusual behaviors in sleep tend to increase with stress. So good self care is also important. Good luck!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I don't get it? If you are asleep when you're sleep eating how will you be able to choose the thing if someone suggests it here INSTEAD of eating?

    Anywho, I think jingle bells on your socks might wake you up. Or motions sensors like you are doing. Also maybe stick a little velcro tab on the fridge door and each pantry door and drawer so you hear a "RIIIIIIIIP" sound and maybe wake up before sleep eating. Alternatively, store all your low cal foods in the front of the pantry and fridge.

    If it's comfort that's driving this, how about a teddy bear on the bed or very comfy throw or scented something or other. Pillow mist, etc. Something else to soothe you back to sleep besides food. I like the self pleasure ppl.... Like having your hubby wake up to the seismic isssues from your side of the bed won't result in more awakes! Or if you prefer battery sounds he'd hear that. I think that's a no go.