Why am I losing weight?



  • pusheen12
    pusheen12 Posts: 192 Member
    I totally agree with Geebusuk. I never log my weight training, haven't figured out a way to do so. In my case I'm trying to lose, i just consider it the calories I may not have calculated correctly that I consumed. Not logging it hasn't seemed to affect my goals, which I think is interesting. If anyone has any advice on this I'd love to hear it.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    Because you're in a deficit. You're either underestimating your caloric intake or your TDEE.
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    The suggestions for gradually increasing your caloric intake are very sensible. OR, you could simply go in to your doc/nutritionist/whatever and have them do a simple, painless RMR *test*. That way you are dealing with facts, not guesses, and can take action based on YOUR specific metabolism. Not a guess, not calculation.

    I'm on the "downsizing" side right now, with a *measured* RMR of 1100 calories. Not 1600+ that very reputable online calculators show...and knowing that has allowed me to start a steady loss.

    Not hating on the calculators, just saying that when your experience isn't lining up, it's time to get more personalized info.
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    Without any working out, my supposed maintenance calories (and I'm only a little taller than you at a little over 5'9") would be 1920---almost 2000.

    If you're eating 1600-2000 and working out, you're probably still going to lose.
  • UndoneTwo
    You are still in a calorie deficit. If you increase your calories and still continue to lose weight, talk to a doctor. You could be messing up the math, or you may have a medical issue that you don't know about. If you really can't gain weight, have your doctor runs some tests. :) Good luck!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I've been attempting to gain/maintain my weight and have managed to lose 3 lbs. I've recently started working out a lot more aggressively but have been eating back the calories it is saying i'm burning. My workouts are typically just a little bit of cardio (a light jog) for about 10 minutes just to get me warmed up and then about 45 of weight training. Some days are an hour of pilates. I have been eating between 1600-2000 calories per day. (Mostly bad stuff, shame on me) but I have somehow managed to lose 3 lbs this morning. I am normally 117 and weighed in at 114 this morning. Am I just burning fat and slowly putting on muscle so it's taking longer or do I really need to be eating more than 2000 calories. I am 26, female, 5'8". Help?
    I'm old. And essentially in maintenance. And I eat more than you. (oh, and I'm 5'6.5")
  • Bssh
    Bssh Posts: 123
    If you're struggling to consume more as you're already feeling stuffed, try drinking your calories eg milk, pure juice, full fat hot chocolate. Add more butter and oils to your foods. Snack on nuts and dried fruits.
  • fashionosack
    Because too much body fat, the body can not stand will get sick, lose weight down, healthy and slim body Oh!
  • hazardouskys
    hazardouskys Posts: 16 Member
    Well I upped my caloric intake to 2300 for the past week and it seems to be working perfectly well (more energy, no more weight loss) Thanks for all the advice!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Nice work; enjoy your eating :).

    It is worth keeping track over a decent period as you may find it creeping up/down slightly, but at least you can rectify it wither way fairly easily it seems :).
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I'm 5'9 and 145ish pounds. I was trying to bulk and was eating about 2800 total calories a day or 2200 net. Is the 1600-2000 you are quoting net or total? Weight lifting 3x a week, martial arts 2x a week, and a run or a couple walks. I ended up losing weight. The weight training does more for you than mfp gives credit for I think. Also, when trying to eat a lot more than you are used to its easy to overestimate your food rather than underestimate. I'm surprised that you are having that issue since restaurants usually put more on your plate than the website calories suggest.

    As for the HRM: That won't help in the slightest with lifting. Incredibly inaccurate for anything other than steady state cardio.

    I would bump your calories by 1-200 a day each week until you find your maintenance and then start gaining. Keep up the lifting as you gain and you will look and feel great!

    ETA: Congrats on feeling better! I guess I should have read everything not just the few responses before adding my .02.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    As mentioned - weights boosted my BMR measured the next morning to around 2400.
    Wasn't even that great a session either (I had a day pass in a gym I'd never used, so wasn't going to REALLY push myself and had to use a smith machine too).
    That was for me at around 180lb I think.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I just can't imagine eating more than I have been. I feel so stuffed all the time.

    You need to start getting more calorie-dense foods. Nuts and nut butters, oils when you cook meals or add olive oil to a shake, fatty fish, beef, etc.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Because too much body fat, the body can not stand will get sick, lose weight down, healthy and slim body Oh!

  • jillymurdoch
    jillymurdoch Posts: 42 Member
    Are you looking too much into it? At my normal weight of 115 (currently pregnant) I can fluctuate 3 or 4 pounds a day depending on diet, water retention, etc.