Just saying Hello

Greetings and Salutations.
Well.....for starters.......I'm 43 now, Paramedic by trade and noticed some of my co-workers around getting or gotten out of shape.
One of the Medics I work with is pushing 380 pounds. Now I'm not saying that EMS causes this obesity, but bad eating habits, lifestyle and choices don't help.
I made the decision after I got over pneumonia this past Thanksgiving when I went from 235 pounds to 222 pounds during the course of the illness. I FELT AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
I gave up Soda's, ice cream, fast food and all that crap. HOWEVER, about two weeks later, I was doing a EMS sports stand-by here at the University of MO, hadn't eaten before the event so I conceded in getting chicken tenders and some fries just to save the rest of the stadium from the wrath of me not eating. BAD IDEA........got home later that night and my stomach felt horrible, I'll save you the yucky details. :sick: I had an AHAA moment at that point!!!
SOOOOOO......during my family's Christmas gathering my wife's Uncle and his girlfriend told us about the "my fitness app" and the rest is history.

I went to the gym about 5 this morning ran 2 miles, walked 1 mile lifting weights in between. Today......STAIRS ARE GOING TO SUCK!!!!!.
I currently weigh 228 (this morning) after a carb overload on Pizza last night which was a semi-treat, I thought......another bad idea. Little by little I think my body is rejecting my former lifestyle.
Goal weight is 190 lbs. I stand 5' 8" tall (on a good day, LOL)!!!!!!
So yeah, there you have it there it is.
Look forward to talking with you all.
Keep moving forward.......you can do it.


  • Murphy0126
    Murphy0126 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey! Welcome to MFP.

    I just joined as well, and today is my first day of my "New Life" (Again!). LOL

    I was a Firefighter in the Navy, and now am a volunteer EMT and General Contractor in my town and will be attending a 2 year Paramedicine program in September! It seems there is a bit of a problem with being overweight in EMS, caused largely by the inactivity of driving around a lot, eating horrible food while driving, and comfort eating due to the things we have to see.

    Good luck on your journey, feel free to add me!
