Coming Back

I am about ready to restart my journey. I have recruited my 17 yr old son, who is Army bound July 2014, to help me get started on exercise. I am planning my menus. And, I am bound and determined to stick to it this year. I know the old saying is why put off what you can do today, for tomorrow. Well, January 1, 2014...This is going to be my year of changes. I am starting as a perm employee with my company, that I have temped for the past 5 months. My oldest son is graduating from high school, and going into the Army. My middle son will be leaving elem. school for middle school. and my youngest will be starting his last year of elem school. I am going to have a better relationship with my husband if it kills me (or him)!

Any suggestions are welcome. I am looking for positivity, I do not want any downing comments. I know I am going to need encouragement. I will give encouragement as well to my friends as they need it. I do not want to deprive myself of food, as I have done in the past. I want to eat good healthy filling foods. I have been looking at some receipes on and have found a lot that are low calorie and good for you. And some of them even my kids like. (We have tried a few of them already)

If you are not my friend and would like to be please send a request. I will accept! Good luck to all of you and Happy New Year-Happy New You!


  • pleasehealthme
    Seems that you have less than 50lbs to lose to reach your goals. You can do that no problem! The fastest results will come from a low carb, high fat diet. Look up keto. Or better yet, check out this FAQ:
    HOPEPATRICK74 Posts: 54 Member
    I am starting with small goals I actually have about 95 lbs to lose. I will know for sure when I get the courage to go to the scale on 12/31/2013. I figured I will be more willing to stick with it by setting small gaols for myself. I will take a look at the site thanks!
  • MaryGrace1965
    MaryGrace1965 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi! My name is Mary but all my friends call me Penny. I have been married for 27 1/2 years, have one son who is 25, two boxer dogs named Joe and Jasper. Work as an Administrative Assistant to 5 judges in the county I live in. I belong to a weight loss support group called TOPS. I have been on MFP for a while, have lost a bit of weight and was at a stall for a bit due to some unforseen helth issues with my husband. Have decided that I didn't lose it to put it back on (and boy does it come back on quickly) and I'm back at it. Especially since the holidays are over. My motto is, "ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE MEAL, ONE PAOUND AT A TIME. THAT'S HOW I HAVE TO DO IT!!!" Feel free to add me if you would like. It's all about helping one another. Motivating and being an inpiration. Have a great day!
  • KalieHudson
    KalieHudson Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome back! That's great that you are researching lower calorie receives. There's probably lots of things you can swap out for heather items. Just making one little change a week will add up to a huge transformation over time. I love to support fellow MFP friends. I have sent you a friend request. Anyone feel free to add me!