Not waiting for New Years day

All of the Christmas pictures I was in really disappointed me. I see one image looking in a mirror but a completely different one when I look at those pictures. Does anyone else have that happen? Because the pictures will forever be a constant reminder of how large I have become, I decided to start fixing things today, not waiting until New Years day, but TODAY. With having 100 lbs to lose and suffering from osteoarthritis, this will be slow, but doable. I am excited to read and research daily on MFP. Thank goodness there is a site like this. WE can do it ! Good luck to all my current and future MFP friends!


  • luvhaleiwa
    luvhaleiwa Posts: 12 Member
    Yes, I know EXACTLY what you mean. But you are right, we can do this!
  • Roughgalaxy
    Roughgalaxy Posts: 219 Member
    You definitely have the right attitude! But keep those pictures, they will be there for you to see how far you've come!
  • MaryGrace1965
    MaryGrace1965 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi! My name is Mary but all my friends call me Penny. I too have over 100 pounds to lose, suffer from asteoarthritis and had a total right knee replacement in April 2012. I have been married for 27 1/2 years, have one son who is 25, two boxer dogs named Joe and Jasper. Work as an Administrative Assistant to 5 judges in the county I live in. I belong to a weight loss support group called TOPS. I have been on MFP for a while, have lost a bit of weight and was at a stall for a bit due to some unforseen helth issues with my husband. Have decided that I didn't lose it to put it back on (and boy does it come back on quickly) and I'm back at it. Especially since the holidays are over. My motto is, "ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE MEAL, ONE PAOUND AT A TIME. THAT'S HOW I HAVE TO DO IT!!!" Feel free to add me if you would like. It's all about helping one another. Motivating and being an inpiration. Have a great day!
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 765 Member
    Hi! My name is Mary but all my friends call me Penny. I too have over 100 pounds to lose, suffer from asteoarthritis and had a total right knee replacement in April 2012. I have been married for 27 1/2 years, have one son who is 25, two boxer dogs named Joe and Jasper. Work as an Administrative Assistant to 5 judges in the county I live in. I belong to a weight loss support group called TOPS. I have been on MFP for a while, have lost a bit of weight and was at a stall for a bit due to some unforseen helth issues with my husband. Have decided that I didn't lose it to put it back on (and boy does it come back on quickly) and I'm back at it. Especially since the holidays are over. My motto is, "ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE MEAL, ONE PAOUND AT A TIME. THAT'S HOW I HAVE TO DO IT!!!" Feel free to add me if you would like. It's all about helping one another. Motivating and being an inpiration. Have a great day!

    Love your motto. and I'm right there with the pictures. Had a family get together last Saturday and in looking at some of the pictures, I have to just shake my head. On the one hand I wonder how I got there but in truth, I know exactly how I got there and while I have been dabbling at it - some success and some not, for awhile, it is so time to get it done.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    All of the Christmas pictures I was in really disappointed me. I see one image looking in a mirror but a completely different one when I look at those pictures. Does anyone else have that happen? Because the pictures will forever be a constant reminder of how large I have become, I decided to start fixing things today, not waiting until New Years day, but TODAY. With having 100 lbs to lose and suffering from osteoarthritis, this will be slow, but doable. I am excited to read and research daily on MFP. Thank goodness there is a site like this. WE can do it ! Good luck to all my current and future MFP friends!

    I agree about holding on to the pictures. They will drive you. I have 2 older sisters and both are extremely heavy. I am not a tiny woman myself. I know if I do not get my weight under control where I will end up. I have a pic of the 3 of us that I use to remind me to push myself. You can do this...its one day at a time.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    Same here. I went to my best friend's baby shower 2 months ago and I looked bigger than her in one of the pictures. My mom took it and was asking why I was mad all of a sudden. Horrible...I don't think anyone took pictures this Christmas thankfully.

    ETA: I am also not waiting for New Years day. I'm starting (over) today!
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    I don't let anyone take pics of me, my hubby says I will be sorry some day when my kids don't have too many pics of me, but when I looked in the mirror today it almost made me sick, need to really do this
  • coryl_dork
    I know how you feel. I hate the way I look in most pictures (excluding selfies of my face, because I really love my face), especially ones other people have taking of me.

    I'm taking pictures of myself weekly, though, to see the progress and how far I've come. I hate looking at them, but I use that loathing for motivation. My punching bag sure knows how I feel. :P

    You can do it!!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    W O W.

    Such determination and courage light the fires of commitment. Combine all that with a supportive environment and accountability leads towards some mighty healthy choices ahead for all of us.

    I salute you. Each one of you. You are an inspiration and a blessing.

    I think we can safely say there are pictures from the recent holiday photos that we do NOT like one bit. Me too! When we realize the choices we each have every moment, there is hope and a wonderful adventure ahead. I will keep the photos as a baseline reminder, not to get down on myself, but to look forward in anticipation and with delight.

    It doesn't matter where we are on our journey personally. It doesn't matter when we begin, nor the particular direction and mode we chose. It does matter that we do begin. It does matter that we do support with kindness and patience.

    You matter enough and are worth the changes you decide to make today.

    Happy New Day!
  • acf860
    Ditto on this! I am not waiting another minute. I got on the scale this morning after many christmas treats and I was mortified. No gimmicks, no pills. no nonsense. Healthy food and exercise. The good old-fashioned way. I am new to this site but it seems great. I will be checking in again real soon.
  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member
    Good Luck!

    It happened to me few years ago. I didn't had as much to lose, but it was a chrismas party picture that made me do something about it.
  • FrozenSongBird
    FrozenSongBird Posts: 3,892 Member
    I am on this bandwagon too. I started (over again) yesterday. Wishing you all the best and rooting for you in your journey!
  • debbynoelle
    Please feel free to add me and we can encourage each other! I have been on here on and off for a couple of years, and I am also ready to buckle down and make some changes!!
  • PoisonDartFrog
    PoisonDartFrog Posts: 220 Member
    Welcome to MFP. If you need a friend for support, please feel free to add me. I am starting again. Hopefully it will stick this time.
    I have about 70 lbs to lose.:flowerforyou:
  • kimmiek37
    I'm the same I started today instead of waiting till new years day. What's the point in waiting if your determined now.
    I'm hoping that this time next year I'm in a happy place with my weight.

    Good luck everyone
  • mike_ny
    mike_ny Posts: 351 Member
    I'm definitely looking for all this holiday food insanity to be over and get back to clean sensible eating and regular workouts.

    It is good, however, to be reminded of how bad I used to feel without even knowing it when I ate like this quite regularly. It just doesn't take as much now to make me feel full beyond anything comfortable and then paying for it by being so sluggish from being totally carbed out.

    I know I'm way over on carbs and total calories this week, but I did manage to still get a few workouts in discreetly while the company staying over was still sleeping or out. Exercising openly would only appear to be showing off to them and they already think I'm too thin and fitness crazy as it is, so ill just let them believe that staying somewhat fit is just in my genes since they already believe that anyway.
  • welshpoppy
    welshpoppy Posts: 114 Member
    I wish you all the best for your journey we are all in this together and these have to be lifestyle choices for the rest of our lives.We all slip up but we have to get back on the horse and start again.
    I am glad holiday food hidden away and back to basic foods again.
  • markalfy361
    markalfy361 Posts: 4 Member
    Same here. Started about a week ago. Its an everyday battle to stay active and be healthy. Finding something you enjoy doing as exercise makes staying active less of a chore. Stick with it and good luck!
  • grneyedgoddess77
    grneyedgoddess77 Posts: 58 Member
    I too have a completely different picture in my head than reality. My goal is to get them to meet. :) Good for you for not waiting another day or for some special date!!
  • amiramakh
    Hey there everyone!
    So I weighed myself in today, and the number on the scale is one that I haven't seen in over a year! 111.5lbs.
    Looking at myself in the mirror, I can tell I've gained some... Appetently I've gained 7 pounds in one month!
    I'm a recovering bulemic, and I have been having trouble with my portion sizes. I try to eat what I'd like in respectful sizes and then keep it all down. So far that has not been the case, no respect ful sizes and only some kept down.
    I'm starting today, and my goal is exercise and enjoying my life. At 5' 3" my weight isn't bad in any way, but they way that it's been going this probably isn't my normal weight and this isn't the at that a semi low weight should be maintained.
    I have recovered before and re lapsed, but not this time. I have a dentist appointment to check up my teeth and *kitten* the damage done this past year of binge/purging, and then I'm head to the market to buy a new refrigterator of food.
    What I've learned, is that I can't not eat. Telling myself certain food is not allowed only makes me go back to it by the box load, which will not happen this time.
    My goals:
    Keeping all of my food down
    Exercise 4 days a week, 30 minutes
    Continue yoga everyday ( which truly has helped me with the purging and binging as it helps me focus on something else and calm down)
    Eat healthily and have a healthy relationship with food

    I now that we can all do this, can't wait till this time next year when I'm posting pictures of happy, healthy, toned me in france for the monte Carlo cirque :) that's my boyfriends present to me when I do this, and he got me this I pad so that I can log everyday and be in contact with the great otivated and helpers on mfp.
    Seeing he much he, and everyone around me, truly want me to succeed and believe in me how count not believe in myself.
    Anyone who wants to feel free to add me, I'm a great motivator and I will be on here everyday :)