Lunch Club

Thought I would share a great idea that a co-worker of mine shared with me. (which we are planning on doing after we go back in January)

A group of co-workers who are wanting to eat healthy create a group. Each person signs up for one day every week, every two weeks, etc, depending on how many people are in the group.

Each person is responsible for bringing a lunch for ALL members on their designated day. A HEALTHY LUNCH that is. :) Then you only have to worry about preparing something once every week, etc, instead of every day. Feed your friends and they will feed you.

I am very excited about starting this with my co-workers. If you are struggling with lunch ideas or time to prepare your meals, consider getting a group together.


  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    i wouldnt trust my coworkers on that plan. THe idea oh "healthy" can vary pretty heavily