Starting over and need support/friends!!

Hi all,

I started my journey on mfp October 2012 in preparation for my wedding. I lost 33lb but after my wedding in august I fell back into v bad habits and along with a knee injury that has halted most of my exercise I have regained 27lb. I'm feeling miserable, unattractive and my clothes don't fit. I really need a good boot up the backside so I'm trying to take some control back.

I'm looking for some friends to join me along the way. I'm trying not to have unrealistic goals. I'd like to hit onederland again, then after would like to shed the next 18lb to take me into a healthy BMI. But my main priority is to reach a healthy weight to get pregnant.

Please add me if you need similar support or can help me!


  • iwillsee145
    iwillsee145 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there. I can only speak for me, but I never ate better than when I was pregnant. I was already overweight. I couldn't afford to gain the 50-60 lbs I'd heard some women say they'd gained. So, I became very focused on a healthy diet and exercise. I walked every day. I even unloaded mulch for the landscaping at 6 months pregnant. I did anything I felt like doing. By the time I went into the delivery room, I had only gained 10 lbs. My sweet little girl was born 8 lbs, 4 oz and healthy. Who knows, you may even lose weight while pregnant! Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you have to gain a lot of weight. I think it's a mindset. Best wishes to you!
  • Rhianne18
    Rhianne18 Posts: 41 Member
    You're completely right, I think it would probably make me more likely to watch what I'm.eating! Although then makes you wonder why I wouldn't look after myself that way!
  • TonyaKardosh
    TonyaKardosh Posts: 4 Member
    How do you "add" people on here?
  • TonyaKardosh
    TonyaKardosh Posts: 4 Member
    Oh, I figured it out :)
  • donnymom
    donnymom Posts: 32 Member
    I did my best while I was pregnant too. No caffeine, no junk, just healthy foods. I think it's because you feel responsible for someone else's life and don't want to hurt anyone. It's okay when it's just yourself, not when it's your baby! LOL! I should think pregnant all the time!