Starting FocusT25

Hi All,

I am starting FocusT25 on Monday and would love to find friends to help keep me motivated.


  • Hi, I am on week three of T25 but would love to do this along with someone as well :) Add me if you want.
  • magezuck
    magezuck Posts: 1 Member
    I am starting it too! should be Monday, eh? But have to get the work out area set up (just moved). That is the focus this weekend.
    So add me too. then it will make it happen right?
  • clmate
    clmate Posts: 1 Member
    I am starting it too. Count me in!
  • srmacey29
    srmacey29 Posts: 11 Member
    Will gladly add anyone as a Friend for motivation & accountability…mine and theirs!
  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    So excited to start T25 tomorrow. I took my before pics but still need to do my measurements. Thank you for all the support.
  • nickymilleruk
    nickymilleruk Posts: 1 Member
    Starting on Wednesday. X
  • There is a great Facebook group you can join to help hold you accountable if you would like more info feel free to message me :)