New here: college student and a used-to-be runner


My name is Eve, and this is me, introducing myself rather awkwardly.

I am a college student who recently moved to US. Long story short, four stressful months later I am more overweight than I have ever been (I just hit the "obese" BMI range) and would like to get myself back to a "healthy" weight. That goes hand in hand with wishing to be a runner again. In 2012 I was planning run my first half-marathon but after an ankle injury in August, I have been on and off running, and my current weight (~200 lbs) just does not seem to go well with injury prevention, no matter how slow I start back up again.

I am back home for a month, but then it is back to college life. There is quite a nice gym there, though. I am going to be doing quite a bit of strength training to prepare for when I feel okay to run again, and I am going to be starting back up with really, really low mileage (which will be hard for me, since I was used to being pretty confident about what I can do when it comes to a road and a pair of running shoes). I would love some help and support along the way, and would love to see and support others doing great things around here.

Add me if you wish!

