Getting Out of the Christmas Slump

It has officially been two days since Christmas. So why am I still eating chocolate covered everything and candy canes for breakfast? I think I need to set some goals to get me back on track.

I am a student, so I will not have school for a whopping 27 days, and I do not want to gain 10 lbs while I eat candy and lounge around. So I am here, publicly posting my goals for my 27 day break.

1. Daily Zumba challenge. I love Zumba, and it is a great work out, so this should be fun and a great way to work off the holiday pounds!

2. A veggie a day keeps the holiday pounds away. My goal is to eat at least one serving of veggies and fruits a day. Just one?! You may exclaim, yes that is my goal at *least* one. Right now I am at none, so one is an improvement believe me!

3. Personal projects. The best way to lose weight is to have lots of distractions to keep your mind off of food and depression. So here are my three personal projects.

a. Start a vlogging channel. Me and my friend have a long distance friendship, so we are going to start a vlog channel so we can keep track of each other's lives.

b. Finish my acrylic paintings. I am making a series of eight paintings for my friend's nineteenth birthday.

c. Create the schedule for my work. Which you don't know what that means, but I will not bore you by explaining it.

So there you have it! Please feel free to add your own goals, whether they are short or long term. And if you want a motivation buddy, feel free to add me of PM me! :smile:


  • hotjodels
    hotjodels Posts: 118 Member
    goals are a great way to stay on track. you will be out of the slump and kicking butt in no time at all. <3