Trying to conceive

Anyone else trying to conceive, or recently become pregnant? I'm looking for support. I have about 15-18 pounds to goal weight, and am also trying to conceive our third child. Anyone else in the same boat, or similar? Please feel free to add me! I'd love some support from new friends!


  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    You already have me as a friend. But I am 19 weeks with #2.
    SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
    Me me :-) I am ttc conceive baby #3 I would have liked to be another 8ish kg before I fell pregnant, which still might be possible but I doubt it because I fall pregnant easily. I'm up for.any friends in the same boat as me. I'll Will add you :-)