Not new here, but returning after 14 months away.

I'm 22 years old, and have struggled with my weight pretty much my entire life. When I was in high school I was 168 lbs and have sinse gained over 100 lbs. At this point in my life I am the heaviest that I have ever been and I don't know how to handle it. There are a decent number of things that I feel affect my ability to lose weight properly and steadily. To start with, I'm very unmotivated and have such a hard time keeping with a routine (nobody to work out with and a fiance who doesn't exactly motivate or support me in my efforts). I don't really make the kind of money that allows me to eat "clean." I'm a typical college kid on a typical college budget. My groceries usually consist of boxed meals (including but not limited to any of the helper meals, mac n cheese, etc. ), among other inexpensive food items. I also have asthma, which has caused difficulties many times in the past when trying to lose weight. Because of all this I'm not exactly sure how to go about losing the weight.

I am getting married in March of 2015, and while I'm not trying to lose the weight FOR the wedding, it would be highly preferable to lose as much weight as possible between now and then. At this moment I weigh 282 lbs. My goal weight is 155. Now I'm not trying to get to 155 lbs in this short amount of time, but the more weight I can lose the better.

Now for the reason I'm here: I could use and would absolutely love people to chat with on here who can help motivate, encourage and support me in this journey; people who can help keep me on track. Any and all advice and tips are welcome. I am determined to do this. I know it's gonna be one of the hardest things I'll ever do in my life, but I'm ready to be healthy and feel good about myself again.