Big boned?



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Ya know why i never bought that pic? B/c when i'm heavier my ribs stick out more (i guess from having fat on my organs or something IDK)....but anyways I KNOW my ribs are sticking out more now than they do when I'm thin and for that reason that fat side should show wider ribs for me to "buy it" that that's a true pic of a fat person.
    I hope you are not saying your bones grow when you get bigger because of the fat on your organs.

    Big boned is more about how your frg legs, broad shoulders, wide hips, not about how big your bones really are. I suspect bones are about the same size, but length- yeah, that tall guy definitely has longer bones, and my low waisted body definitely has shorter leg bones. This is my opinion only, and I could definitely be wrong.

    I think too many people use "big boned" as an excuse to stay overweight or not to lose to reach a healthy weight.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator

    Ya know why i never bought that pic? B/c when i'm heavier my ribs stick out more (i guess from having fat on my organs or something IDK)....but anyways I KNOW my ribs are sticking out more now than they do when I'm thin and for that reason that fat side should show wider ribs for me to "buy it" that that's a true pic of a fat person.

    Please keep in mind there is a difference between bone structure (width of shoulders, wide hips, etc ) than bone size/ diameter. Now people do have various bone densities and a different structure but in terms of diameter its all generally similar.
  • ceestahr
    I doubt very much that bones have to do with anything. There are different body shapes though. For instance, I have a very short torso - so my waist will naturally be bigger than someone who is more proportionate because they have more room. I'm also rectangle shaped which means my shoulders and my hips are the roughly the same size. Some people have broader shoulders and narrower hips and vice versa. We're all built differently... but it's not a bad thing :)
  • nicenhealthy
    I don't think the literal use of 'big bone' is valid. Some people have an arm-span which is proportionately longer than their height and they may have wide-set hips, for example.... But I don't think you would call this 'big boned', I think you'd describe someone like this as having a 'larger frame'.

    I mean... yes, I am big boned. How dare you say I am fat when it is my genes and big bones.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    My take: I think there's a reason healthy weight is a range.... some folks are bigger than others. I have a friend who out weighs me by 10 LBS and never works out. Yet, she wears smaller jeans etc.
    That said, I'd bet the range is 10-20LBS for the average woman.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I think using it as an excuse is in poor form, but we do all have different body types and carry ourselves differently.
    I know as an currently overweight 6'3 broad shouldered man that I will ALWAYS be bigger than people around me. Even at my lowest weight and BF%, I looked huge. I was within all 'healthy' parameters, but I still looked overweight to the casual observer just based on the amount my frame took up.

    I think too many people go off of the Hollywood body builds and promote a universal standard when it varies from person to person.

    Edit: Endomorph, Mesomorth, etc....

    broad shoulders, yea thats my husband. Only he's 5'4 and can't put his arms flat down against his sides. I find it amusing, but anyways its hard to find shirts for him, I have to buy XL or 2X, and he's only a 34 waist.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member
    I like to be boned big

  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I think that there are various issues all lumped into the big boned category:

    1, people with a larger frame i.e. broad shoulder, broad hips etc
    2, people who carry their fat well i.e. they don't look overweight, they are not particularly muscular, but if you take waist/height ratio or even BMI they come up as overweight
    3, there is a natural variance between bone sizes, but it's actually not that much.
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Does big boned refer to large frame? If so that fits me - ie wide hips, broad back, large hands, large feet - but I am still fat. Only difference it has made to me is my goal weight is at the higher end of B.M.I. for my height.
  • krissy3773
    krissy3773 Posts: 44 Member
    Have you ever seen a 'fat' or 'big boned' skeleton?
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I will chime in that in my case I will never be a size 2. I have broad shoulders and wide hipis. Even when I weighed in at 108 lbs the beet I could do was a size 8. My bras were never smaller than a 34 (cup size only barely a b viest). I am wide and even in the 80s didnt need shoulder pads.

    I don't think it is big boned, but trust me narrow I will never be
  • ceestahr
    I like to be boned big


    yes plz.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I used to think I was big boned and couldn't lose weight because my frame was big, but I proved myself wrong.

    Do I have broad shoulders and hips? Yes. But that doesn't mean I have to be overweight. :smile:
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,707 Member
    Have you ever seen a 'fat' or 'big boned' skeleton?
    Here you go:
  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member
    I used to think I was big boned and couldn't lose weight because my frame was big, but I proved myself wrong.

    Do I have broad shoulders and hips? Yes. But that doesn't mean I have to be overweight. :smile:

    cool :)
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I have seen this topic before. Big bones means just that--not frame size, or muscle, or fat. Bones as in skeleton. My wrist is 8.5 inches around. That's no fat or skin in the measurement. I can never find bracelets that fit or fasten. I am 5'11" and definately "big boned".