Sick of it



  • looseitnow99
    looseitnow99 Posts: 16 Member
    I am in the same boat as you weight wise. I was 180 10 years ago, and am now 224. I was at 235ish back in november so am going in the right direction now , and have found this website as a great tool to try to get back in the 180s. Feel free to add me (and anyone else), because I definitely need the support and to be pushed

    Hey ! Thanks for the reply, sorry I haven't replied very fast as I am working overtime and I don't have access to the internet. I definetly know how you're feeling. It's only when I hit 238 that I felt terrible about myself. I hoovered at 230 for a month or two and it bothered me but when I hit 238, the cup spilled.

    Keep up the efforts ! you can do it. Thats what you need to remember because it's too easy to give in and think you can't. It's unbelievable what eating correctly for 2 days can do for you. I already feel better. Today wasn't a success. I ate out and definetly went over. Not by much, but I went over.

    Already worried about tomorrow as it's new year and we're having people over. Keep strong guys, I know than in 6 months we will be much closer to our goal. It didn't take 5 days to gain this weight and it won't go away in 5 days for sure.

    Keep in touch !
  • looseitnow99
    looseitnow99 Posts: 16 Member
    I am in the same boat as you weight wise. I was 180 10 years ago, and am now 224. I was at 235ish back in november so am going in the right direction now , and have found this website as a great tool to try to get back in the 180s. Feel free to add me (and anyone else), because I definitely need the support and to be pushed

    YES! MFP definitely made a difference in helping me track and realize how much over eating I was doing. At first the drastic reduction in food intake was hard, but now it feels like I'm eating normally and not depriving myself. Thank God for MFP.

    You know what I realized ? How much we don't know how to eat ! You would think we should know after having done it thousands of times in our lives. But no. Society is to blame, so is advertising, but even with all of this, there is hope. MFP is unique because it creates a team spirit and inspires others.
  • dswish1
    dswish1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi guys, Well here I go again. Does that sound familiar? What other choice do we have? When I let go I gain weight so fast and feel awful. I haven't even really weighed today, could be higher than I am guessing. Will weigh in the morn. My immediate goal is 200lbs. I think I am at 235? Was working out all the time (5 days a week for an hour or more) for last couple of years but can't seem to get the food on board, actually I guess I get a lot of food on board, ha. Need to get the RIGHT food on board and stay consistent long enough to get some results. Then I just gave up and quit it all. Eating bad and not exercising =disgust. Glad to hear others who get this . I am 46 in January, and I am sick of it. Good luck to you all and myself as well. One question, I am planning to eat the same things for breakfast to simplify the calorie counting for a week at a time, thoughts? Thanks to all of you in advance as well.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I started to see the scale go up again a few weeks ago and, since then, I've been getting more serious about weight loss (or at least maintenance - I'm at the top end of a healthy BMI). I bought a food scale and I've been making sure to measure all my moderate- and high-calorie foods. The last week has been difficult because I've been eating at other people's homes for the holidays, but I've been cooking more and making smart choices when possible. In 2014, I plan to significantly reduce my intake of processed food and sugars, not just for weight loss, but to improve overall health. Shifting focus and prioritizing health has helped me get excited again about my diet/lifestyle!
  • looseitnow99
    looseitnow99 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi guys, Well here I go again. Does that sound familiar? What other choice do we have? When I let go I gain weight so fast and feel awful. I haven't even really weighed today, could be higher than I am guessing. Will weigh in the morn. My immediate goal is 200lbs. I think I am at 235? Was working out all the time (5 days a week for an hour or more) for last couple of years but can't seem to get the food on board, actually I guess I get a lot of food on board, ha. Need to get the RIGHT food on board and stay consistent long enough to get some results. Then I just gave up and quit it all. Eating bad and not exercising =disgust. Glad to hear others who get this . I am 46 in January, and I am sick of it. Good luck to you all and myself as well. One question, I am planning to eat the same things for breakfast to simplify the calorie counting for a week at a time, thoughts? Thanks to all of you in advance as well.

    Glad to have you here. I'm back as well. I jumped off the sled and let myself go the past few days. Feel terrible about it. You know what the worst thing is though ? There's no point in feeling bad. You fall, you get up, and you keep walking. That's the only way. If i'm going to be weak and feel guilty, it's a downward spiral. Will keep everyone posted. No more eating for me today !
  • looseitnow99
    looseitnow99 Posts: 16 Member
    I started to see the scale go up again a few weeks ago and, since then, I've been getting more serious about weight loss (or at least maintenance - I'm at the top end of a healthy BMI). I bought a food scale and I've been making sure to measure all my moderate- and high-calorie foods. The last week has been difficult because I've been eating at other people's homes for the holidays, but I've been cooking more and making smart choices when possible. In 2014, I plan to significantly reduce my intake of processed food and sugars, not just for weight loss, but to improve overall health. Shifting focus and prioritizing health has helped me get excited again about my diet/lifestyle!

    The scale going back up eh ? That thing has a mind of it's own. I totally understand the eating at other people's homes, that's been happening to me for the past few days. Keep up the good work ! You're on the right path. Health is definetly a main reason why i'm doing this too.
  • looseitnow99
    looseitnow99 Posts: 16 Member
    I will update my picture to see how much damage has been done so far. Keep you guys up to date.
  • samiam6603
    Hi all! I have similar stories to llabruce4 and eliemaalouf4 and am looking for support (and to support others also). I started out a few years back around 180 lbs... from there life has been rough and stress eating has landed me to 245. It's been quite a challenge to get my mind set to the point that I'm tired of living this way-- but I'm finally there! Best of luck to you all in the new year. I'm starting a C25K tomorrow and am hopeful that it will give me the jump start weight loss that I need.
  • looseitnow99
    looseitnow99 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all! I have similar stories to llabruce4 and eliemaalouf4 and am looking for support (and to support others also). I started out a few years back around 180 lbs... from there life has been rough and stress eating has landed me to 245. It's been quite a challenge to get my mind set to the point that I'm tired of living this way-- but I'm finally there! Best of luck to you all in the new year. I'm starting a C25K tomorrow and am hopeful that it will give me the jump start weight loss that I need.

    Hey nice to have you here ! Wow that sounds interesting C25K, I took a look at it, but I don't think i'll be able to run for the periods of time indicated, 1 hour, 30 min, etc ? I would love to do this too ! Any more details ? Have you done the C5K ?
  • samiam6603
    I started it a couple years back and continued on to try to train for a marathon (ended up tearing something in my hip and had to go to PT & stop running). It starts you out gradually (e.g. first workout: Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.) and works you up over a series of 9 weeks to get you to jog 3 miles. I'm not a runner, by any means-- (i'm more of a cyclist-- usually do a century ride every year).... am looking to strengthen/tone/get rid of the fat on my legs quickly. If you're interested.
  • gloriaallen36
    gloriaallen36 Posts: 123 Member
    Love to be your friend! :glasses: