Plexus Slim



  • CheerfulMom4
    CheerfulMom4 Posts: 9 Member
    I use the Plexus products. I have a lot of digestive issues that it has helped with. I haven't lost any weight but it makes me feel a lot better. I know some people it works for and some it doesn't just like everything else.
  • timone69
    I am having awesome results! I have lost 20 pounds. I went from a size 12 to a 6. Better yet, I have severe hypoglycemia and have not had any problems with it since I started. I think it may not work for some and I also think some may use it thinking they can eat whatever they want with it, which isn't the case.
  • bsteves06
    bsteves06 Posts: 66 Member
    My co-worker used it and lost 33 pounds in about 6 months. she made an effort to eat healthier, but didn't exercise. her husband also lost weight on it and it helped him manage his diabetes. I ordered just the frink and am waiting on it to arrive. I'll post back in a few months any progess.
  • robinbacher
    robinbacher Posts: 1 Member
    I'm currently on my 5th day of plexus and have gained 2 pounds. I eat extremely healthy, and exercise. I never eat fast food. I do have hashimoto's (autoimmune hypothyroidism) and autoimmune liver problems. The first two days on plexus I was extremely thirsty. The thirst has subsided but I am actually hungrier now than I was before. I do not eat sugar and I have been craving sugar ( I have not given in to that because of my autoimmune conditions) so I am really discouraged now. I have a difficulty time losing weight because of my hypothyroidism so I decided to add this in as a supplement hoping it would help. I am going to stick with it a little longer but so far with a two pound weight gain I am very unhappy.
  • CheerfulMom4
    CheerfulMom4 Posts: 9 Member
    Are you taking the accelerator Robin? I've read quite a bit where it can make people retain water. Also that the accelerator is supposed to help raise your metabolism and can make you more hungry. Not sure, just some ideas. I haven't really taken the accelerator because I read so many things about it.
    I stuck with it because it really has helped my digestive issues. I haven't really lost but my clothes fit better. I've read it can take some time to kick in so to speak. Tomorrow is 2 weeks for me.
  • luswart
    luswart Posts: 5
    I used it for about 3 months and in the beginning I lost 4 pounds but after 3 months I gained 6 pounds. i was disappointed with the results after one month and added the accelerator. However it made me sick and I quit taking them. My husband took them for 2 or 3 weeks however we found that his high blood pressure kept raising we did not understand what was causing this. The doctors raised his blood pressure meds and sent us to see the nutritionist and she had us make a food and drink log for a week. As soon as she saw that he was taking the accelerator she told us we needed to stop it immediately! We did and within 72 hours at his next doctor appointment they had to reduce his blood pressure meds. Our nutritionist said that accelerator was not good for people who have high blood pressure or lung problems.
  • kochj44
    kochj44 Posts: 1 Member
    How many are experiencing weight gain? I drink PS every day past month gained 4 pounds someone said it can up to 60 days to get your body working. Is it the accelerator that causes water retention because I am only on PS? :ohwell:
  • jimswife182
    I am a diet cokaholic. I started plexus because I heard it stopped sugar cravings which is my main issue. I started on it about 5 days ago and realized today, even with a weekend involved, I have not even thought about a diet coke or those homemade chocolate chip cookies out there on the counter. If it can at least get me off of sugar and start me on a new eating regiment it has done it's job. I have tried other things that didn't work, however, so I understand where the rest of you are coming from. Eating right is absolutely the best, but sometimes some of us just need a little help.:):flowerforyou:
  • amandakrzywda
    I am a diet cokaholic. I started plexus because I heard it stopped sugar cravings which is my main issue. I started on it about 5 days ago and realized today, even with a weekend involved, I have not even thought about a diet coke or those homemade chocolate chip cookies out there on the counter. If it can at least get me off of sugar and start me on a new eating regiment it has done it's job. I have tried other things that didn't work, however, so I understand where the rest of you are coming from. Eating right is absolutely the best, but sometimes some of us just need a little help.:):flowerforyou:

    Diet coke is actually worse than actual coke, as artificial sweeteners too! Do not drink diet anything!

    But i believe it would work if one tried it. But don't expect to sit on you butt and eat pizza then weigh yourself and be disappointed that your not loosing weight. Not saying that those who commented that said they lost nothing and some gained did this. Im saying there are people out there that do this and expect the weight just to fall off or magically dissolve. This is here to help speed up process. Bodies are different. Im sure if one took the accelerator and drank the pink drink and had a 1500 calorie diet, maybe less, and exercised 5 6 days a week for an hour or 2 then one may see great results. But if you choose to stop the drink and pills you could gain the weight back but if you stick with the dieting, calorie counting, and exercising one could keep the weight off.

    I may need to look into supplements and powdered drinks at bodybuilding website or GNC because i have major energy issues. i wake up feeling still tired and im not depressed by all means. I have a wonderful 14 month old son and just got engaged. The only thing im unhappy with is ive never dropped the baby weight. So i just started my transformation journey a couple weeks ago. Cut my calories to 1200 a day exercise, cardio 3 times a week and strength training 2 times and 2 rest days. I dont think Plexus would be my thing to take. but i will look into the IT works body wraps for toning after i loose weight, there maybe some loose skin.

    But if something works for you by all means do it but dont just do that one thing. Change for the better so you dont always have to rely on that monthly shipment. How great would it be not only to have more money in your wallet but also to be able to say, "yes blank blank helped me start my journey through weight loss, and i got to a point were i was confident in myself that i no longer needed the help and that i, myself, could do this on my own from now on."
  • MrsCandyHearts
    I tried Plexus (Slim/Accelerator) for six weeks starting last November and GAINED 10 lbs, so I stopped. When I called to cancel my automatic order, I requested my 60 day refund and was DENIED. They said it hadn't been 60 days, so I was no longer entitled to a refund since I was stopping the program 2 "prematurely". Nevermind that I had GAINED weight.

    I let it go, muddled through the rest of December, and started 2014 with the same old resolution of weight loss. My weight did not fluctuate up or down after stopping Plexus.

    In early March, I decided to try again. My friend was having great results, so I tried to convince myself that my previous weight gain was just "holiday crap". This time I added the X Factor, ProBio, and BioClense to the Slim/Accelorator combo.

    That was about 3 weeks ago...I've gained an additional 5 lbs. I'm FIFTEEN pounds heavier, out several hundred dollars, and was denied the 60 day refund the company flaunts.


    For the record, I walk my dog 1-2 miles about 4-5 times a week and I take an hour long Kickboxing or Boxing class 2-3 times a week. While I readily admit to having a terrible sweet tooth (that I consciously work to control), but for the most part, I eat pretty well.

    I needed to lose about 50 lbs BEFORE Plexus. Now I need to lose 65.

    I hope other Plexus investigators will find this review helpful.
  • melissatacker
    melissatacker Posts: 91 Member
    Here is my experience so far with Plexus Slim. I am in my first month of taking it and I have only lost 8 lbs. I was hoping for more like so many others have experienced, but I refuse to take the accelerator pills because even though I would love the extra energy I am sensitive to things interfering with my sleep. I am always skeptical about supplements, but when a friend of mine started this and lost quickly (and she is only being 30 lbs overweight), I decided to give it a try. By the second day of trying the powder I was SOLD! But not for weight loss, but because it made me feel normal for the first time in 18 years! I have suffered from massive chronic fatigue as a side effect of Ankylosing Spondylitis and by the second day of drinking Plexus Slim I was waking up feeling refreshed, something I haven't felt since I was a teenager! I am an ambassador, but I do not sell it I only do that for the discount. I have already decided that even if it doesn't help me lose a lot of weight, I will continue with it because of how much better I feel. And even though the scale has only dropped 8 lbs, I have lost 32 inches overall, and that makes me so happy! I have also noticed that since I started drinking plexus my daily routine of going for a walk has been much easier for me. I used to walk only 3.75 miles everyday and that was rough with my energy levels. But now I easily walk almost 6 miles and am going to start walking further to see how that goes.

    I am not trying to convince anyone to buy it, I think if you can avoid supplements and do things naturally on your own that is always the best bet. But after trying it myself I can say that it has really helped me in a few different ways. I have always had really bad hunger pains and it has helped cut those down and helped me control my meal portions more. And I have been experiencing what others claim with regards to not craving sweets. I don't normally eat a lot of sweets anyway, but I am a Coke junkie, and I rarely even think about drinking it anymore and go days without one. Plexus claims that their products work better with lots of water, I don't know if that's true or not because I am also a water junkie. I have been consuming between 7-9 bottles of water a day for many, many years now...but maybe that's why it doesn't produce the same results for everyone. My advice would be if you want to try something and it seems safe, give it a try. If it doesn't work for you, at least you tried it and can move on :)
  • djbrady2
    djbrady2 Posts: 2
    I am a plexus ambassador, and product user I've been on plexus for about a month and have had a few positive results. It doesn't work for everybody but here is some information on the product for people who do lose slowly with this product! Hope it helps.
    Are you losing slowly:
    Co Developer of Plexus Slim (The Pink Drink) speaks about how weight loss is different for everyone and how Plexus Slim reeducates the body to change your BMI:
    David Brown says......
    • Our products work with the body to re-educate the body. To teach it to start burning again the excess fat stores.
    • Slim is designed to help your body get to a healthy BMI (body mass index – the % of body fat). Once you hit that BMI, it doesn’t burn tissue. It doesn’t make you lose weight you don’t need to lose. It’ll help you maintain and keep you at a healthy BMI.
    • The reason people lose at different rates: If you’ve been carrying around extra weight since since your youth, your body thinks 40% BMI is a natural healthy state. It takes our product awhile to re-educate the body to say, “no, that’s not a healthy body weight.” It’s what you’re body has become accustomed to – if it’s been at that BMI a while, it’ll take time to re-educate.
    • There are three types of weight gain:
    1) Genetic
    2) Stage or plateau which is when you get older and gain, then gain more a few years later, etc.
    3) Event – like a pregnancy or medication.
    Of these 3 types of weight gain, usually the “event” weight will come off easier. Plateau and genetic weight gain will usually have plateaus as you come down in losing. Be patient, our products work with the body to re-educate the body. To teach it to start burning again the excess fat stores. Some of our bodies are “slow learners” and everyone’s biochemistry/physiology is different. No two people will react the same when you introduce a supplement to the body.
    Also as a side note, with plexus you need to drink half your weight in oz of water. so for someone who weighs 210 like me I drink 105 oz of water or 6 16.9oz water bottles.
  • djbrady2
    djbrady2 Posts: 2
    Did you take any measurements? You could have gained weight but lost inches, muscle weighs more than fat and if your doing kickboxing your building muscle, so that could be it. Plexus works on a health BMI not goal weight number.
  • KayceColl
    I started taking Plexus not to lose weight, but to get my system cleansed & healthy. Im taking was taking Bio Cleanse & the probiotib. I was on it about 10 days, it made me VERY ill. I have alot of GI problems. I was really excited to start it & im nothing but disappointed. I throw up violently when I take it & I sweat like crazy! Im done with it, im hoping to get my money back but from what Ive seen seems people are not getting money back even though they say they have 60 day guarentee? Beware!!!
  • KayceColl
    They denied the money back guarentee bc you stopped before 60 days? I hate this stuff too. i have majpr GI issues & was sold on hpw great this would be & get my system healthy. I took Bio Cleanse & Probiotic for 10 days, it made me violently ill. I was power puking& sweating profusely. Im hoping to get my money back but sounds like im going to have trouble with getting money back.
  • plexusmommaof2
    The foremost product, Plexus Slim, was initially created as an all natural alternative to medication to help diabetics control their insulin levels.  The Slim (a crystal light-like powder you mix with water and take about 30 minutes before you eat breakfast in the morning, yummy too) helps to level out your blood sugar so you don't have those carb crashes and cravings throughout the day, and you are able to make better food choices because your body is more stable and you just feel better. Since day 5, I have also felt fuller, quicker, at every meal!!! Plexus isn't a magic solution, but it is an amazing tool in your "health toolbox". It is helping a ton of people lose weight and inches, and feel so much better.  I’ve had so many friends and family join me on this journey and experience success.  Every person’s body is different and will respond at different rates to food and exercise changes…and to Plexus.  However, I 100% believe that Plexus works if you give it time.  Some people see results quickly while it takes others a few weeks to “kick in”, but Plexus will work for you if you let it. It is not something that when you quit using you will gain all the weight back. But because Plexus regulates your blood sugar, it is teaching your body to say no to all the sweets. Once you have been on Plexus for a few months your body has adapted to these changes. As for stopping use, that's up to that person, many people stay using Plexus because it has helped with other problems related to arthritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, adhd, anxiety, energy, blood pressure, pms symptoms etc. Many people have been able to get off their other daily medications with Plexus which is reason enough to stick with it!
  • plexusmommaof2
    You had die off symptoms of Candida that can last for about two weeks. You should power through it. I have three customers and ambassador who went through it too, and now at the end of week 4, have lost 3 and 6 lbs, and combined 12 inches! Don't be discouraged! Hopefully your ambassador has educated you as to what Candida is and how getting it out of your system is crucial!
  • TrumpetVines
    I know this is oldbut hopefully my opinion will help. I have cardiovascular problems and can't do anything other than light workout's to boost my weight loss. My weight is constantly up and down because of this and it's really discouraging. I went to my doctor for approval and started plexus. I followed the directions and drank the appropriate amounts of water. I was also eating fairly healthy (Friday and Saturday are my eat whatever days). I lost 12 pounds in 8 days. I'm really really bad about taking it daily, but I go on spurts where I take it religiously and when I do I'm not disappointed. I'm the heaviest I have been in years so I'm gettig serious with my weight loss so hopefully plexus continues to aid in my weight loss.

    I think that alot of people forget this is to aid weight loss and that you can't take it and expect to drop a bunch of weight from the product alone, but when combined with slight lifestyle changes and following directions you can get some seriously good results. And please don't take the accelerator! Just use one pink packet a day before lunch.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Somebody is paying these people, and that somebody should pay. I know it's not exactly the situation with MFP, but hopefully this site's owners will keep a close eye on the outcome of the case v. Humankind Design. Maybe eventually these drive-by marketing companies will be dealt with as they deserve:

    Websites that rely on user reviews and ratings often use filters to screen out opinions that are likely to be fraudulent. But the filters can only do so much. This week, decided to file a lawsuit to get alleged spammers to stop flooding its ratings service with fake reviews of car dealerships. v. Humankind Design
  • Polishprinsezz
    Polishprinsezz Posts: 249 Member
    plexus=crap it's a gimmick!! there are no magic beans or super potion to make you lose weight. spend that money on nutritious fruits and veggies instead. wish they would ban this crap already. smh!!!